Читать книгу Sports Psychology For Dummies - Leif H. Smith - Страница 30

Assessing and improving your mindset


This practice drill can easily be done when you are journaling, listening to a podcast on mindset, reading this or another book on mental training, or talking with a mental performance consultant or psychologist. Every time you do these drills, you are bringing to mind the importance of mindset development. The more you can do this, the more these skills can help you become aware of what you are doing well and what still needs improvement.

It is important to focus on what you are doing well, and this mindset doesn’t come naturally to humans (remember how the brain has a negative, fear-based default setting?). Practice making your ideal mindset your competitive mindset. Ask others around you what they see in your mental performance. You will be pleasantly surprised about what they will notice and tell you, and you can use those insights next time you practice crafting your ideal mindset.

Sports Psychology For Dummies

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