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every romance that i see nowadays has your voice playing as the backdrop

every couple that i see is ridden with ideas of places we should go together

things we should do together

beauty we should gaze upon together

i mean, honestly, anything we do i want to do it together

maybe i didn’t just want to go to Sadie’s with you

maybe i want every dance to be three more hours of conversation

maybe i want to freeze with you for hours upon hours

because somehow your hands are always warm

and maybe that’s a result of that fire of fight inside of you

maybe i didn’t want hot chocolate once

maybe i want hot chocolate a million times with you

maybe i want to try every coffee shop within 25 miles

just to see which one is the best

and then try them all over again because maybe we missed something

maybe i don’t want to sit with you once

maybe i want to sit by your side during every moment

when we watch movies late at night

when you can come out to someone random without even being scared

when we’re at the Tony Awards because your support has gotten me somewhere

when we fall asleep listening to +trying because all the songs make you so happy

that maybe i appreciate more what it does for you than it does for me

maybe you’re wondering why i said maybe this whole poem

because maybe you think i’ll deny it later

maybe i did use it that way

no, i know for a fact that i didn’t

because i thought about it as two separate words

may be

i hope that we may be a force of nature

i hope that we may be sitting together in twenty years

reading our old love poems and holding eachother

i hope that we may be watching rain slide down windows

because i loved the smell of rain more than anything

but somehow now i love the smell of you even more

i hope that we may be that badass old couple who still wants eachother

when everyone else has lost their spark

i hope that we may be the ones whose love is always electric

i hope that we might be in love till


i hope that you may love me forever

because, god, if i could go off on a tangent that lasted until the end of time

it would all just be about how much i love you

about how much i am so in love with you

every. single. moment.

the words

“You are beautiful”

never quite fit right between my braces

until i saw the way you exist

the way you smile with your teeth

the way you are consistently sarcastic with me

the way you can fool me about basically everything

the way your hair is hated by you but genuinely completely adored by me

the way you and love and change and hope and dream

it’s all so goddamn beautiful

you’re so goddamn beautiful

i’m going to keep writing you, Lovie

i’m going to keep writing you until long after you run out of things to say about me

my words are everything i am

but i want to give you everything i have

i would rather you have the whole world than i have a single drop of cold air

my girl is made of poetry

words and metaphors

and vulnerability and strength

and so many oxymorons of existence

you are, i’m convinced, the reason for my existence

and i don’t ever want to let go

i am the love letter

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