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4. Developing Your Recruitment Ad


Your employment ad should cover four areas: the type of person you are looking for, pay, benefits, and where and how to apply. You also need to be aware of equal opportunity requirements (in the United States) or human rights legislation (in Canada).

A common question when developing recruitment ads is whether or not to include your company name in the advertisement. While blind ads (those where the name of the company is not revealed) are commonly used, the consensus is that open ads draw more, and better, candidates for job openings. There are a few reasons for this:

• Blind ads rarely draw responses from people who are currently employed.

• Many people will not answer blind ads for a variety of reasons, so your response is dramatically decreased.

• Your company misses out on some public relations opportunities when you choose to use a blind ad, particularly if new positions are being created. You will help yourself in the long run by letting people know who you are.

If blind ads are so bad, why are they used so frequently? One reason is that the company is looking outside for employees and does not want its current employees to know. Another (hopefully not one you have to worry about) is that the company does not have a good reputation and potential applicants would be scared off if its name were used.

A common mistake that is made when running recruitment ads is to oversell the position. You are anxious to find someone to fill a position so you naturally want to make the job sound as attractive as possible. Misrepresenting the position will only create problems — and waste time — later. Candidates may resent finding out at an interview that the job is not quite as attractive as it sounded in the ad. Or after accepting the position, they may become disillusioned and leave, putting you right back in the same position again.

Include in the advertisement information about any specific requirements or idiosyncrasies of the position that might create concern. For instance, is evening or weekend work required? Is overtime required? Travel?

The more accurately you can present the job and its requirements, the more appropriate you will find the résumés you receive. Your job of filling the position will be made easier and you will avoid frustrating yourself and the job seekers you’ll be dealing with.

Employee Management for Small Business

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