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Who Should Read This Book?

Anyone who has an interest and a hand in the strategic management of digital enterprise should read this book, particularly those who serve in bridging and management functions. This includes executive leadership, CIOs, and CMOs, as well as senior domain specialists such as user experience experts, enterprise architects, and content strategists.

People who work at interactive agencies and software integration shops that often have to execute projects amid digital chaos might also find Managing Chaos useful reading to help inform their projects and smooth the way for more streamlined project execution.

What’s in This Book?

Part I of Managing Chaos details a practical methodology for designing and implementing a digital governance framework.

Chapter 1 gives a basic definition of digital governance and its core concepts.

Chapters 25 explore more deeply each of the key aspects of a digital governance framework: digital team structure, digital strategy, digital policy, and digital standards.

Chapters 68 discuss some of the dynamics around digital governance, including design factors, how to get the design job done, and what to do if your efforts don’t get immediate traction in your organization.

Part II of Managing Chaos highlights three different governance framework examples: a global multinational company, a government agency, and a higher education-type university. You can use these frameworks to understand some of the practical challenges inherent in designing and implementing your own digital governance framework.

What Comes with This Book?

This book’s companion website ( rosenfeldmedia.com/books/managing-chaos) contains a blog and additional content. The book’s diagrams and other illustrations are available under a Creative Commons license (when possible) for you to download and include in your own presentations. You can find these on Flickr at www.flickr.com/photos/rosenfeldmedia/sets.

Managing Chaos

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