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Topics to Get Your Students Talking – And Topics to Avoid


You might not believe how many things there are to say about food, but you’ll be surprised. You can discuss their favorite and least favorite food (for lower-level classes), what they have and haven’t tried, the strangest thing they’ve tried, and what they can cook

1 – Food

2 – Hobbies

Openly asking what your students do in their free time and what they’re interested in will give you cues about what to discuss – some might be really interested in history, while others like designing cute lunch boxes. Even if their hobby isn’t that interesting to you, ask a lot of questions about it and use it to lead into other topics.

Bringing out your phone from back home might be enough to spark a conversation about phones, apps, games etc, perhaps comparing features in your phones or other pieces of technology

3 – Entertainment

Ask students what music, sports, TV shows or films they like – this can work with everyone, from small children to older adults. Getting them to explain the storyline of a movie can be a fun challenge for more advanced students.

If your students are slow to start talking, inspire them with some of your own photos

4 – Travel

Challenge their English by getting them to describe what they see in the pictures, and let them guess where it is. Some students will warm up by asking you questions about your travels, and in turn, you can ask about where they have traveled to, or where they’d like to go. Some students learning English are very passionate about traveling and can regale you with their stories.

Дизайн урока и планирование с нуля / Lesson Design and Planning from scratch. Technology integration

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