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Topics to Avoid


Their Opinions

Although you will find students who want to discuss their opinions – many find the

Western openness to debate refreshing and seek it out – nothing will bring uncomfortable silence like pushing a student for their opinion (especially in a group).

5 – Their Opinions

Too Much About Your Country

Although you will find students who want to discuss their opinions – many find the Western openness to debate refreshing and seek it out – nothing will bring uncomfortable silence like pushing a student for their opinion (especially in a group).

6 – Too Much About Your Country

Meaning anything that compares your learners` home country to your country and seems like you are extolling the superiority of your own country, e.g. «Well, in… people aren’t afraid to express their opinions…» Some students will be very interested in your country and will ask you questions about it; by all means, talk about it then, but remember that people can get pretty defensive if you suggest that your country is somehow better than their in any way!

Many of your students will ask you questions that seem pretty rude – «How old are you?» «Do you have a boyfriend?» or even «How much do you weigh?»

7 – Their Personal Lives

However, if you try to delve too much into your students’ personal lives, they might close up and feel uncomfortable. This completely depends on the students – some told me all about their marital problems, while others didn’t want to discuss a thing. Don’t push it, but if it comes up naturally, that’s fine!

It’s probably quite obvious, but discussing salaries and how much things cost can seem a little crude, and make some students feel uncomfortable

8 – Money

If your students happen to be economists of some kind, it’s different – you can happily chat about banking and economics for hours.

Of course, every student will have different topics that they like and dislike, but the general rule for starting out is – keep it trivial and light!

Your lessons should be light-hearted and fun, not heavy and serious. As you get to know your students, you’ll get a better idea of how to get them to talk!

Дизайн урока и планирование с нуля / Lesson Design and Planning from scratch. Technology integration

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