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Picking the right location


You know the mantra: Location, location, location.

 There’s always the wall. Your Intel iMac Pro (or a specially-ordered M1 iMac) can disguise itself as a particularly interesting digital picture frame. With the right mounting adapter, you can hang your computer right on the wall and snub your desk altogether. This wall-mounted solution has three big problems:Your VESA mounting plate must be installed safely and correctly (for example, using the studs within your walls).The iMac is slim and trim, but it’s no lightweight, and it doesn’t bounce well. You don’t want it to take a high dive!You may have to remove your iMac from the wall mount to connect or disconnect cables from the ports on the back.External peripherals aren’t happy campers with a wall-mounted iMac — that includes Thunderbolt and USB devices, which must either sit on the floor or on a nearby (and conspicuous) shelf. (Personally, I think the cables for external devices tend to spoil the appearance of a wall-mounted computer, so if you’re using a wall mount, I recommend using a wireless Apple Time Capsule device for your backups!) Your M1 iMac or iMac Pro must be mounted at the proper height on the wall. It’s not good ergonomic practice to sit more than 2 feet away from your screen, and the screen should be placed at (or slightly below) eye level.My solution? Don’t plan on using any external devices. Instead, opt for a wireless network with a remote printer and remote backup storage space, like a Time Capsule unit on your network.

 Keep things cool. Your new iMac is nearly silent, but that super-fast processor generates quite a bit of heat. Fans inside the case draw the heat away. (Nothing like an overheated processor to spoil an evening of Civilization VI.)Follow these three rules to keep your cool. Make sure that:The location you choose is far from heating vents.The location you choose is shielded from direct sunlight.You allow plenty of room below the machine (where the air enters the case) and behind the machine (where heated air escapes from the slot at the back of the case). Hot air from a wall-mounted iMac can discolor the wall.

iMac For Dummies

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