Читать книгу The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age ten - Martha Sears - Страница 69

chapter 4 saying no positively


Parents spend the first nine months saying “yes”. From nine to eighteen months you’ll do a lot of distracting and redirecting. Baby will be introduced to frustration gradually as your responses to his wants and needs become less and less immediate.

After that the “nos” become more direct. “No” is a power-packed word, quick on the lips, easy to say; it gets results if you expect it to and say it without being abusive. Your child will hear this word often from you; you will hear it from your child as well. Here’s how to use this negative little word to teach positive messages.

The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age ten

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