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3. Your Start-up Costs


Maybe you’re ready to just jump in and get started. If this is the case, then you’ll need to ask yourself this question: Do you have enough money to make it through the early months in your new business? If you are planning to go it on your own, you’ll need to prepare for it in advance as much as possible. Just as you would save to purchase a computer before you actually buy it, you should plan to save for your opening day. Starting a business is one of the most expensive and exhausting things you’ll do in your life.

Many small-business experts recommend setting aside anywhere from three to six months of income to help carry you through the first stages of your business. Getting clients takes time and patience.

Even when you do have paying clients, you won’t always be able to expect prompt payment once you finish a project. Some companies have payment policies in place that prevent their suppliers from receiving payment after a project is done for up to 90 days. Even getting work right away would mean you could have a delay until you see some actual money.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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