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Peripheral Vascular Disease


Hardening and furring up of the arteries throughout the body can lead to peripheral vascular disease in which blood supply to your legs is severely limited. Even a mild increase in exercise means that your muscles need extra blood and oxygen – if these cannot be supplied, your leg muscles will start to cramp. This causes a severe pain in the calf muscles which comes on during exercise and stops when you rest – a condition called intermittent claudication. If your blood supply is severely affected, even walking 100 metres or less on the flat can bring symptoms on. If blood supply is very poor, ischaemic pain may occur at rest, tissues may break down to form a leg ulcer and eventually gangrene may set in. Severe peripheral vascular disease is most likely in someone with hypertension who also smokes, or who also suffers from diabetes.

Aspirin will help to thin the blood and improve blood supply. Some tablets also work by increasing the flexibility of red blood cells so they can squeeze through small blood vessels more easily. Interestingly, research shows that taking garlic powder tablets, ginkgo biloba or a mix of Tibetan herbs known as Padma 28 can improve peripheral circulation enough to increase the distance you can walk before calf pain starts by up to 30 per cent in three months (see Chapter 19).

A severely narrowed artery in the leg can be overcome with a bypass graft to open up an alternative circulatory route. If there are only one or two main sites of blockage, these can sometimes be overcome by passing a balloon catheter into the artery and expanding it at the site of blockage to locally dilate the vessel in that area.

High Blood Pressure: Natural Self-help for Hypertension, including 60 recipes

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