Читать книгу 8 to Your Ideal Weight - MK Mueller - Страница 4
Оглавление“On 8 to Your IdealWeight I am NEVER hungry, yet I’ve released 35 pounds and I am at a weight I haven’t seen in years. I’m happier than I can remember and have SO MUCH MORE CONFIDENCE! Each day is better than the one before – there’s no stopping me now!”
- Mary R.
“Obsessive exercise, calorie counting, low fat diets, protein shakes, even working part-time at a women’s fitness center…I tried it all! Weight control has been a significant part of my adult life, but I didn’t realize that it was all the heaviness in my head that I had to release first! The emotional baggage I had been carrying for years was weighing me down. Today as I write this, my tears of appreciation for this incredible program are rolling down my cheeks and onto a physical body of which I can be proud. Thank you to 8 to Your IdealWeight for giving me my life back!”
- LeAnn F.
“We come into this program thinking that releasing the weight will solve our problems, then discover that solving our problems releases the weight.”
- Lorri C.