Читать книгу 8 to Your Ideal Weight - MK Mueller - Страница 9


PRONG I: Real Food

Releasing Our

Sugar Addiction

Let’s start by asking the question:

Am I Addicted to Sugar?

Answer “Yes” or “No” to each item below.

1. Do I feel compelled to drink diet or regular-sugared soft drinks throughout the week, often going out of my way to get them?

Yes No

2. Do I find myself thinking about sweets and desserts, or even anxious if they’re not served?

Yes No

3. Do I regularly wake up groggy or hit a mid-afternoon energy slump?

Yes No

4. Am I unable to resist bread or salsa chips on the table at a restaurant?

Yes No

5. Do I find myself feeling guilty after eating certain foods, and/or sometimes eating even more out of guilt?

Yes No

6. Do pictures or even talking about sweets trigger my cravings?

Yes No

7. Do I find myself reaching for every candy dish I pass?

Yes No

8. Am I unable to have sweets or desserts in the house without dipping into them?

Yes No

9. Do I have trouble stopping after one bite of sweets or chips?

Yes No

10. Do I find myself eating certain foods even when I’m not hungry because of cravings?

Yes No

If you checked “Yes” more than once, don’t be discouraged. Freedom from sugar addiction awaits you through this powerful process.

Note: When participants start our 8-week program, their average score is 9 out of 10 Yeses. After they complete 8 weeks or more, their average score is 1 out of 10.

8 to Your Ideal Weight

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