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FOREWORD by Pam Grout

On my blog, I write a series, “Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet.” Last I checked I was up to Episode 24. One of the reasons I feel so blessed is because I meet the most amazing people. My possibility posse attracts really awesome people. People who inspire me, people who are doing life-changing things.

MK Mueller is one of those people. When she stumbled into our Sunday group (well, she didn’t actually stumble), I knew right away that this was someone I wanted to know. She spoke truth. She spoke miracles. She spoke love.

And as I’ve gotten to know her, my respect for her has only grown. She’s doing big things. She’s making a difference. She’s shepherding in the more beautiful world we all know is possible.

I’m honored to write this foreword for her new book. I can say wholeheartedly that her 8-step IdealWeight process based on her 8 to Great book is well, great. And I know that anyone who gets within range of MK is going to be catapulted into a whole new way of living.

Thanks, MK, for your life-changing wisdom and, most importantly, for never wavering, never failing to walk the talk.

Pam Grout,

#1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank and Grow Rich and 15 other books

8 to Your Ideal Weight

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