Читать книгу Calisthenics X Mobility - Monique König - Страница 30



An often completely ignored aspect of mobility is the opportunity to self-analyze one’s performance capacity during training.

Imagine you had a stressful week and worked out only once.

And recently you’d frequently been more stressed. Because you haven’t been able to work out regularly, you give 150 percent during your one weekly workout. On the days following, your muscles are correspondingly sore.

You’re experiencing multiple factors that are greatly increasing your likelihood of an injury: stress–possibly resulting in a lack of focus during training because you have too much on your mind–and irregular physical exercise). Hence it’s extremely important that you’re able to assess your performance capacity before a workout. During these pre-workout assessments, you’ll definitely feel less mobile. Mobility exercises are even less fun, which can result in a false interpretation of their effectiveness.

Many of my clients have had the problem of doing even fewer mobility exercises during stressful times, when they should have been doing more. They thought mobility just wasn’t their thing and were frustrated when they regressed. And yet the cause was merely the fact that their current stress levels were too high. Maybe you’ve felt the same way and skipped your mobility training.

These words are intended to motivate you so that next time you’ll view the whole situation from a different perspective. In doing so, remember this idea of the stress bucket: The more stress that flows into the bucket, the fuller the bucket will be. When it overflows, it means your central nervous system is overloaded and performance and mobility will suffer. Next to other effects, these two are the most important when it comes to athletic effort. After all, your body isn’t meant to function well for only a few years; it’s supposed to stay resilient and healthy for a lifetime.

If you take away only one thing from this chapter, let it be that your mobility largely depends on how stressed you are and that, before a workout, mobility can help you determine if you’re able to put the pedal to the metal that day or if you should limit your workout to mobility training and an easy endurance session.

Mobility can greatly increase your capacity and strength.

Calisthenics X Mobility

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