Читать книгу Clouded Judgement - NICHOLA HARVEY - Страница 5

Chapter Three Teddy


“PACK AN OVERNIGHT BAG – enough for two days,” Ari sultrily requested, gliding the tip of his tongue along my sweat laced spine whilst skimming his fingers through my swollen cleft as I lay sated on my stomach.

I tutted mockingly, “Manners, Mr Jaeger. Whatever happened to please?”

“Ms McGovern, it would please me greatly if you packed an overnight bag,” he poshly murmured against my dampened skin.

“Ooh, so formal. I like,” I playfully breathed. “Now fuck me.”

Tutting disapprovingly, he unexpectedly spanked my arse, making me groan loudly before swiftly flipping me over and pinning my wrists either side of my head. Darkened eyes playfully stared as Ari hovered above me, his warm breath whispering across my face as he scolded me, “Whatever happened to please, Ms McGovern?”

“Fuck me, please, Mr Jaeger.”

His intense gaze seared. “Much more appropriate.”

From there on in, he left me far too incoherent to bother asking him how he’d convinced Spencer to let me take yet another day off work. I didn’t care; I was too busy riding high.

The sun blazed through the tinted windows as the sleek BMW cruised along the freeway, leaving the outskirts of the city nothing more than a multicoloured blur.

Raising a dubious brow, I looked over at a whistling Ari. “So, where are we going?”

His mouth curled into a rather devilish smile as he tapped the side of his nose. “It’s a secret. But I shall tell you this: I thought the two of us escaping the rat race for a few days wouldn’t hurt – and trust me, you won’t be complaining about our mini getaway for long…cause every damned minute shall be extraordinarily pleasant.”

My brows furrowed. “Why do you have to be so damned cryptic?”

He chuckled. “Makes life less dull, wouldn’t you say?”

Accepting he wasn’t about to tell me willingly, I sank against the soft leather seat and reached across the centre console, stroking the inside of his thigh over his tan chino shorts. “Not even a little hint?”

“No, I told you, it’s a secret. Just sit back and enjoy the ride,” Ari simpered as my fingertips tantalisingly grazed over the swell bulging at his crotch.

Made cranky by his impervious attitude, I snatched my hand away and began trolling through the music selection on the dash. “Well, Mr Jaeger, you keep your secret, but as punishment, it means you have to put up with my singing for however long we’re on the road,” I singsonged.

Ari groaned humorously as Tim McGraw’s I like it; I love it began blaring through the car’s speakers. “It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” He chuckled loudly before finally giving in and joining in with me.

After what seemed like hours, we eventually stopped.

“We’re here,” Ari announced, forcing me to drag my head out of the dreary gossip magazine I’d bought along the way.

“Thank fuck for that,” I uttered tossing it aside, making him laugh.

“I honestly don’t know why you bother with that trash; good for firelighters, and that’s about it in my book.”

“It’s amusing, that’s why.” Both of us releasing our seatbelts, we climbed from the car. But the second I stepped out and realised where we were, my doldrum mood disappeared. I squealed excitedly. “Oh my god, Ari, The Sorrento Hotel?” I ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him as I peppered his face with chaste kisses, making him chuckle. “This place is gorgeous! Thank you!”

“I was desperate for some alone time with my girl. No distractions, no family, and most importantly, no work,” he murmured, skating his lips along my throat. “Now let’s simmer down and hurry inside before we give anyone else more than they bargained for.”

“Good idea.”

He grinned before slanting his lips over mine in an enticing kiss as he slowly guided me along the length of his well-defined body until the soul of my strappy wedges touched the bitumen. My gaze glued to his beautifully shaped backside, I followed him as he strolled to the boot at the rear of the car. Popping it, he bent to grab my small suitcase first only to elicit a groan as he lifted it. Whoops, my bad.

“What in the devil did you pack in this thing?” he complained, dropping it beside him with a thud. “I said two nights, not a bloody week.”

I struggled to subdue a smile. “Oh…I may have bought a few extras for you know…a little fun.”

Darkening eyes perceptively glinted as the air around us suddenly shifted. “Oh, did you just?” The huskiness of his voice alone did enough to send that all-knowing flutter directly to my groin.

My throat bobbed in anticipation. “I figured it would have been remiss of me to forget.”

“That it would.” Ari’s searing stare rested solely on me as he ventured past, a chuckle eliciting as he caught sight of my broadening grin. “I’ll deal with your glee shortly, but first we have to check-in.”

Inwardly patting myself on the back for my foresight, I trailed behind Ari up the inclined walkway. And once inside the cavernous foyer, he veered off towards reception, and I took off to admire the limestone walls on which the original hotel was initially built back in eighteen seventy-two. But regardless of an exploration that usually brought me great joy, my thoughts quickly detracted from the nuances in the stone winding beneath my fingertips. With an unmistakable air of desire burning around us, it wasn’t surprising.

I pivoted on the heels of my wedges and met the darkened eyes watching me from across the other side of the foyer. Hmm, Ari appeared to be just as distracted as me.

With one ankle crossed over the other and one elbow propped on the marble countertop with his chin resting in his palm, he had tilted his head marginally, paying more attention to me than the receptionist. Even passing her his credit card, he barely glanced her way. Not that she seemed to notice either, or if she had, she never showed it. Her professionalism continued as she handed the card back, along with the key to our room.

“Thank you, Mr Jaeger,” she exclaimed, smiling brightly. “I hope you and your wife enjoy your time here at The Sorrento Hotel, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s anything else you need during your stay.”

Again he briefly looked her way, if only to politely thank her. Sliding his card back into its slot in his wallet, he shoved it into his back pocket, all the while approaching me in smooth, leisurely steps. “I’ll be the gentleman my parents raised me to be and devotedly carry our bags…” Then encircling my waist just as effortlessly, Ari tugged me towards him. Our bodies gently colliding as I closed my eyes and leaned into his broad shoulder, inhaling his divine scent. His lips grazed my cheek as he potently whispered, “…While you run along and find our room.”

The moment my lids flew open and our heated gazes met, I knew I was in for quite the stimulating afternoon—more reason to push the boundaries with him. Just thinking about the possibilities was enough to set the heat aflame between my thighs. Ari typically read my mind and caught my chin between the soft pads of his fingers.

“Wait for me – and don’t undress,” he huskily instructed, staring so salaciously my knees turned to jelly. “I want the pleasure of divesting you of your clothes bit by bit for myself.” His kiss as he pushed his lips against mine was firm and ardent. “Now walk ahead of me, I won’t be far behind. I promise.”

Swiftly shoving my wicked thoughts aside, I scurried towards the bank of lifts and stabbed the button inset in the wall. I fidgeted on the spot, just wishing the damned elevator would just arrive already.

Ari rapidly caught up and stood behind me, brazenly pushing the entire length of his body flush with mine. “Antsy, are we?”

I sagged against his torso, rolling the back of my head along his broad shoulder. “For you, always.”

Determined to keep me on edge, he whispered decadently in my ear, articulating every word, “Feel my cock, Teddy, feel how hard it is for you.” My quickened breath altered to a soft pant as he relinquished his grip on the suitcase handle and grasped my hips, yanking me closer. I quietly moaned and gyrated against him, not caring for the other guests making their way towards us. As timing would have it, the doors on the lift soundlessly slid open, and again he sternly ordered me to go ahead.

Miserably, I obliged and marched inside the car, my frustration only increasing as I spun and saw the smug expression written all over Ari’s face. I made my dissatisfaction known by grunting at him as I stabbed at the button for the second floor, leaving him chuckling at my expense. I loved him dearly, but dammit, he could be such an arse at the most inconvenient times. By the time I’d reached the second floor, the ache between my thighs had amplified. So, when Ari said he wouldn’t be far behind, I sincerely hoped he wasn’t lying. It was torturous enough waiting for him as it was.

Strolling out into an airy hallway, I discovered I only had to walk a few steps before finding our room. But as I swiped the electronic key on the lock and swung the door open, the view outside our private balcony caught my wandering gaze. Excitement surging as I bounced towards the slim French doors and dramatically pulled them open. Hanging onto the antique chrome handles, I allowed myself a wondrous minute to take in the Peninsulas shimmering waters calmly and quietly rippling from the vast seas beyond. Phillip Island was beautiful, yes, but in comparison, it was nowhere near as breathtaking as the natural splendour before me.

Although, the room itself was just as stunning with the limestone walls, effectively bringing the outside in and adding an entirely new dimension to the light-filled space. Plush linens and pillows covered the king-sized bed facing the wide-open windows as well as a sitting room, which housed a corner chaise cushioned by soft, supple leather to my right and a small two-seater dining table to my left. Overall as I ran my hands over the differing textures used to combine luxury with old-world charm, the designer had styled incredibly well in my view. My tactile delight then led me to a walk-in robe and the connecting ensuite bathroom, another room that was just as beautiful as the rest. I grinned salaciously at the size of the walk-in shower: oh, the possibilities had now increased – tenfold.

I peered over my shoulder and called out to Ari. “Ari, come and take a look at the shower, it’s huge!” When he failed to reply, I frowned. Odd considering I’d just heard him trailing in only seconds ago. “Ari?”

Long fingers suddenly skated down my bare arms and furled around my wrists, subduing me as warm, sensual lips trailed along my neck. The heady scent of citrus and spice flooded my lungs; an intoxicating and wicked aroma, leaving me entirely at the mercy of Ari Jaeger.

I bowed against him.

“Keep still,” he purred, my breath catching as he caught my earlobe between his teeth. Ari’s soft skin radiated a burning heat as his forearm brushed over my midriff and gravitated towards my infamously short denim shorts. His gifted fingers began sedately popping each button and removed in a gentle shove to the floor. My underwear, a delicate lace, suffered a different fate as he tore them off before flagrantly tossing them aside.

So entranced by my dominating lover, my mind and body drifted to a place of bliss. More so as I felt his fingers gliding through my ultra-sensitive flesh. With each stroke of my aching clitoris and teasing circles around my trembling rim, my desire grew. And instinctively, my hips began to undulate, eliciting a growl from Ari.

“Mmm, you’re very wet…” God, that warm timbre voice: it was raspy and indulgent like the man himself. “But keep still.”

A strangled whimper escaped my throat. “Ari, please…”

His darkened eyes glittered sensuously as his stubbled chin jerked towards the mirror on the bathroom wall above the sink. “Just watch.”

My head swivelled slowly and met his fiery gaze in the reflection. I stared fascinated by the hedonistic sight playing out before me. The vision of his fingers thrusting, in and out of me, with each slow movement was exquisite. I was riveted. Not just by Ari’s beautiful lovemaking, but by the person he had become with this sudden need for control, arousing me more than I ever imagined.

I had always loved his dominant side, but he had evolved into something else. Something more. I wanted to exploit this side of him, with him. As a Dominant in the making, Ari was devastatingly magnificent.

“Remove your blouse – slowly,” he whispered, his words, absolute and unyielding. “Keep watching.”

A perceptible blush rose over my dampened skin. My delight visibly shared in the way of a fulfilled smile as I nimbly undid each tiny button by moving my fingers provocatively slow until I reached the last one, parting and pushing the blouse off my shoulders.

“Now your bra.”

“Then will you fuck me?” I coyly asked freeing my breasts in the same unhurried manner.

“All in good time, my love.” Sliding an arm around my waist, he caged me in, pressing his well-defined torso along the curve of my spine. “Just enjoy…this.” Motioning to the mirror with his free hand, he gyrated, pushing his hardened and pulsing length between my cheeks. “You’re soaking. Watching me finger fuck you turns you on, doesn’t it?”

“How could it not?” I croaked out.

A victorious smile flittered as he continued his pleasurable torture. “Touch your breasts for me.” Ari’s command was firm, yet soft and without hesitation, I obeyed. “Now…pleasure yourself for me.”

Palming each swollen breast, I mewled, tweaking, and rolling my hardened nipples between the pads of my fingertips. My core, along with my will to obey both fought against one another as Ari’s circling fingers slid inside me. With each methodical stroke of my inner wall striking every nerve throughout my trembling body, I was losing the battle, and Ari knew it too. The wicked gleam flashing over his handsome face told me so. Mostly as he abruptly stopped and swung me around, lifting me with ease onto the vanity. His chocolate orbs gazing intently as he gruffly ordered me to lock my hands behind my back and not to move.

Digging my fingernails into my palms, I gritted out my displeasure, “Let me fucking come!”

“No,” he abruptly replied, dropping to his knees and spreading my thighs to eat at my swollen cleft in the same savage manner.

I laboured against the ferocity of his lovemaking. Sweat beaded my forehead and formed rivers that streamed over my heated skin while my feet arched, pushing against his broad shoulders. Muscular arms also lathed in perspiration wrapped around my writhing body while robust fingers furled around my wrists, preventing me from moving altogether.

Unable to deal with the painful throbbing coursing between my legs any longer, I let out a wrenching sob. “Ari…p…please.”

Beautiful eyes framed by jet-black eyelashes peered up at me. “Soon, my love, very soon.”

“In the very least, kiss me then. Gimme a taste.” My tone was husky yet demanding.

Within seconds, he’d relinquished his grip on my thighs and silently rose off his knees only to fist my hair roughly. Our moans pleasantly mingling as he yanked my head back and pressed his mouth to mine in a red-hot kiss that escalated the instant I tasted the salty arousal coating Ari’s shapely lips and tongue.

My fingers quickly became entangled through the silky strands of his hair whilst my other hand draped over his broad shoulder and slid over his shoulder blades. He flinched as I dragged my sharpened nails into the soft flesh of his back.

“Ah – and here I thought I was in charge,” he grunted against my lips.

“Oh, you still are. Now fuck me. Hard.”

A sexy chuckle rumbled as Ari scooped me off the vanity beneath the thighs. “Be careful what you wish for, my love.” His mouth landed on mine before my back hit the cold tiles in the shower stall with a light thud. And through our cacophony of pleasured moans, he fumbled beside me flicking the tap to release an invigorating rush of temperate water from the rain head shower rose above us. All the while and without any warning, he thrust into me, making my back arch and causing quite the gasp.

With every smooth and powerful lunge, he made me feel every pulsing inch until gradually, his raw fucking built up to something much harder. Eventually, he stilled, tensing his entire body as his climax rushed out of him in long hot spurts inside of me. His groans muffled by the slope of my shoulder as he sunk his teeth into me.

I tensed as I felt the sharp pinch, and grunted loudly.

Ari swiftly lifted his head and winced as he saw the broken skin. “Sorry, my intention wasn’t to bite you,” he breathlessly apologised, running his fingertips across the deep indentation. “That’s probably going to scar.”

A wry smile appeared on my lips. “Think of it as payback for the sex wounds I gave you.”

“Fair trade I feel,” he murmured between each lazy pleasurable kiss.

The back of my sopping head flopped against the tiles. “You’re incredibly sneaky undressing without me noticing, aren’t you?” I coaxed, smiling up at him.

Jet-black brows shot up above mischievously sparkling dark eyes. “I know,” Ari crooned, as his semi-hard cock stirred, our mouths curving salaciously as he instinctively flexed his rounded buttocks.



Silently and slowly, Ari’s mouth lowered over mine. His languid kiss so skilful, it left me breathless to the point I began slipping into a space that allowed me to give myself over to him at last. Finally.

Clouded Judgement

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