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Chapter Six


“HERE YOU GO, this should wake you up,” I lovingly murmured passing Ari his usual morning coffee as he wandered into the kitchen.

Noticing the overextended arms and the wrinkle in my nose, he smiled benevolently and swiftly took the steaming mug from me, setting it down on the island bench behind him. “Morning sickness?”

“Yeah. But whoever called it morning sickness obviously never suffered morning, noon, and night.” I inhaled sharply as the powerful aroma wafted, and exhaled in a shudder before braving it to snuggle closely with Ari. Snaking a hand around his neck, I toyed with the short strands at his nape while pressing the other against his firm chest, feeling the smooth caress of his steadily beating heart beneath my flattened palm. “Anyway, handsome, where’s my kiss?”

“Demanding little thing, aren’t you?” He smirked, bending his head to meet my puckered lips with a soft, lingering kiss. “Mmm, good morning, gorgeous.”

I glanced upwards and caressed his cheek, guiltily noting the dark shadows below his deep chocolate orbs. “I’m sorry I disturbed you last night.”

“I didn’t mind one bit, particularly when we ventured back to bed.”

Heat flamed my pale cheeks. “I’m sure you didn’t.”

“You look lovely today, by the way.” Ari’s splayed hands actively stroked my backside over the top of my white Capri pants. “The blouse, especially.”

“Thank you. Your shirts not bad either,” I purred trailing both palms down the front of his slim-fit navy-blue shirt. “It hugs your gorgeous body perfectly.”

“It’s one of the shirts you bought me if I recall,” he added, staring at me with such a dangerously searing gaze, my knees began to buckle.

“So it was.” Nuzzling his chest, I breathed in the heady scent that was Ari Jaeger; citrus and woodsy scents. I tilted my head to skate the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip purely to saviour his taste. “Mmm, yummy, every single one of my favourite flavours rolled into one.”

Ari’s brows raised in amusement. “You make me sound like an ice cream.”

I chuckled. “No, you’re more like my favourite chocolate; sweet and rich on the outside with a creamy, decadent surprise on the inside.”

“So, so bad.” He tutted, grasping my nape firmly as he dipped his head to claim my mouth savagely. He kissed me with such languid skill I was ready to take him on the kitchen floor.

Weaving my fingers through his hair, I tugged him closer and mewled, desperate with want as the roughness of his designer beard scratched along my jawline. “Just sayin’, but we’re home – alone –“

Carnal hunger took over as hips pressed suggestively and soft breathing became hardened panting.

“If I didn’t have to attend a meeting across town -,” Ari growled imprisoning me between his grinding bulge and the kitchen island, digging the edge of the square-cut counter into my lower back. “I’d have you bent over this bench right – about – now,” he illuminated between hard, chaste kisses.

I moaned, licking the inside of his mouth. “Such a pity we’re out of time then.”

Growling hoarsely, he reluctantly he withdrew. “Tonight?” One word. Yet so full of promise.

“Tonight then,” I hummed, waving as he headed out the door.

Clouded Judgement

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