Читать книгу Clouded Judgement - NICHOLA HARVEY - Страница 7

Chapter Five Ari


WITH AN UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY sprung upon us, it necessitated having a serious chat with Teddy regarding our current living situation. Living between two houses was no longer logical nor was sharing a home with our impetuous sisters. An arrangement that was hellish enough without adding an innocent child to the equation, and with Poppy sharing as well, it wasn’t exactly leaving enough room for a nursery either.

During my pursuit to find that appropriate home, I discovered two that possibly suited our needs: a block with nearly six acres at Mickleham, and a five-bedroom house directly opposite the beach in the lovely suburb of Hampton. Each naturally had their pro’s and con’s; one required an entirely new build, whereas the other was outdated and in dire need of renovating, top to bottom by the looks of the photos on the website. My intuition told me Teddy would take one look at the amount of work required to reach her standards and simply suggest we demolish it. On the upside though, both were only a twenty-minute drive to the city, on a good day.

I had barely completed my enquiry to the real estate agent in a brief email when as usual, Asher barged into my office, unannounced and munching on an apple as if he were a Highland cow chewing on a patch of grass in the green fields of the English countryside.

“Hey boss, whatcha looking at?”

Raising a brow sharply, I jerked my chin towards the door. “Do you know Thomas, my assistant?”

Rolling his eyes, Asher scoffed. “Of course I do. What a stupid question.”

“Well, you are aware he’s there for a reason? And not just for answering calls?” I irritably growled, rolling my fingers fluidly over the keyboard as I replied to another email, ironically forwarded to me by my faithful assistant.

He shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, and? I thought I had carte blanche to your office like always. Surely that hasn’t changed – has it?”

Hitting send, I ran both hands through my hair and snorted. “No, it hasn’t changed, but what if I was otherwise preoccupied?” A lazy smile formed and broadened as I observed the penny eventually dropping, even if it was half.

“Oh, you mean in case Teddy’s here?” He gestured around my office with a pointed finger.

I met his obvious statement with an impatient roll of the eyes. “Yes, numbnuts, that’s precisely why.”

“That’s an occupational hazard with you these days.” Another nonchalant shrug passed his well-built shoulders. “Just put a sock on the door handle like we did in our uni days.”

“How professional of you.” I grimaced, shuffling completed contracts from my in-tray to my out-tray. “Now, besides annoying the absolute shit out of me, why the intrusion?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Amused eyes gazed across the desk at me as Asher flopped into a chair. “…I’ll tell you. I came bearing gifts; possible candidates for filling James’ position, as well as postgrad students applications,” he stated, taking another big chunk out of the apple and noisily chewing as he slid the iPad in one of his sticky hands across the desk. “Some look rather promising, particularly the chicks from Perth, Alexandra Kiddell and Karsten Shaw; both have rather appealing credentials.”

My eyebrows shot up as I read between the lines. Would there ever be a time my man whore friend rose his head above his waistline? I sighed. “You looked them up, didn’t you?” His excited nod all but confirming my question, I’d say possibly not. I gazed reproachfully and shook my head, unbelievable. “I base my judgement on their talent alone, Asher, not their looks, and as my lawyer, you ought to understand discriminatory law better than anyone.”

“Oh, I do. You just misunderstood me, is all.” His sphinxlike smile was somewhat disconcerting. “Anyway, back on track, my man. Considering we have several options based in the sunny state of WA, I had a thought.”

“A dangerous task, I’m sure.”

“Ha fucking ha! Anyway, smart arse, I was thinking as opposed to flying them here, we go over there. Whatcha think, boss man?”

“I’ve always liked Perth….” I languidly murmured with a bob of the head, indicative of my approval. “….Sure, why not. You organise the interviews and pass on the finer details to Thomas to organise: flights, accommodation etc.”

A scarily eager Asher leapt from the chair and rubbed his hands together. “I’m considering taking up ornithology as a hobby during our visit. They have a particularly rare breed of bird I’m interested in researching. I hear they’re rather alluring and the best part is, they mostly reside at the beaches.”

“I wasn’t aware your fetish extended to seagulls,” I insinuated dryly.

He waltzed towards the door, laughing. “Nah, I prefer a bird who has the gift for deep-throating; a pelican, for example…”

As mortifying, and crude as the visual picture was, it failed to prevent an eruption of roaring laughter. “Get out gigolo! Your damned pheromones are stinking up my office!”

Unable to help himself, Asher stuck his head back around the door and squawked.

I roared in stifled amusement. “Out!”

Life was never dull with that clown. In saying that, I had a mountain of work to scrape through before the day was over and his antics certainly weren’t helping my concentration. I was still shaking with laughter as I quickly scanned over my schedule. To my surprise, I discovered I had a few spare minutes before my next appointment arrived, and made a point of using my time wisely by checking my emails. Again to my surprise, Drew Griffyn, the Managing Director of Griffyn Real Estate, had promptly replied to my request, informing me that both properties were available to view that very afternoon if it suited me.

Before committing to the appointment, I thoughtfully picked up the phone and called Teddy first. “Hey gorgeous, are you busy?”

“No, not really. I’ve been staring at the same set of damned plans for the last ten minutes if that’s any indication. So, what’s up, handsome?”

Her endearment made me smile warmly. “Do you think you could perhaps leave work a little earlier today? There’s something I would dearly love to put past you before I make a decision.”

“Am I allowed to know?”

I chuckled upon hearing the amusement in her voice. “No, it’s a surprise.”

She tutted disapprovingly. “Party pooper. Aha…well, I’ll wait for you to pick me up in say, an hour?”

Pleased, my smile broadened. “You know me, always punctual.”

Teddy’s sweet laugh echoed down the phone. “Don’t I know it? I had better get some work done then, hadn’t I? I would hate to be late or fired. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

At least I kept my promise. Unlike Teddy, who left me waiting at the kerb for another ten minutes, and like the patient man I’m not, I called her.

“Where in the devil are you?” I gruffly asked.

“I’m coming now, as we speak. Be there in two,” she breathlessly answered before hanging up on me. Unimpressed by the lack of punctuality, my lips flattened into a hard line. Without a doubt, I had the feeling Teddy’s rushing was due to a distraction, something that happened a lot of late. I frowned: perhaps there was such a thing as baby brain after all? I might simply have to delve into some research after dinner just to find out. Who doesn’t love a little homework after a gruelling day at the office?

Just as I tucked my phone into my trouser pocket, a flash of copper red hair caught my eye. And surprise, surprise, Teddy was indeed rushing. She barrelled through the glass doors directly into my arms, kissing me as if we hadn’t seen each other for months.

She nervously pulled back, apologising as she sheepishly eyed my disgruntled expression, “Sorry, time slipped away from me.”

“I thought as much,” I dryly murmured tucking a loose curl that had slipped from her ponytail behind her ear. “Now, get into the car, or we’ll be late. Traffic’s hell as it is.”

Her nose guiltily scrunched as she lowered into her seat. “I said I was sorry.”

“I know you did, doesn’t mean you can’t make it up to me later,” I growled before closing the door, only to chuckle as her audacious smile radiated through the tinted glass.

Rounding the bonnet, I swiftly jumped in and buckled up before turning the key and chucking the car into gear. A horn blared behind me as I swerved into the oncoming traffic. “Fuck off and get in line!”

“Ooh, someone’s grouchy!” Teddy quipped.

“And whose fault would that be, I wonder?” I pointedly asked, settling amongst the flow of slow-moving vehicles.

Hazel eyes mockingly rolled challenging me. “Our impending child’s, that’s who.”

I tutted. “Poor little mite’s not even here yet, and already you’re using our son as an excuse for slowing you down. Shame on you.”

“A he, huh?” Teddy scoffed mockingly, lightly patting her still flat belly. “This little tot might be a she for all we know.”

“Hence why we’re running late then,” I wryly countered motioning to the chaotic traffic surrounding my car.

“Ouch, you’re so sexist, Mr Jaeger. And here I thought you were all about equality…” she argued through a yawn.

“Oh, I am,” I verified as she yawned yet again. “A bit tired, love?”

“Yeah, I’m drained. I might close my eyes for a minute. You don’t mind, do you?”

Curling a hand over her shapely thigh, I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. I’ll wake you once we’ve arrived at our destination, okay?”

Her head inclined in her palm, she closed her eyes and hummed a weary reply that made me chuckle. My poor petal. Yet another unpleasant side effect of early pregnancy.

I hit the freeway and pushed my foot down on the accelerator with the journey taking the best part of an hour due to the suffocating peak hour traffic. Relief hit the moment we veered off the bustling Nepean Highway and onto St Kilda Street. Much quieter, so to speak. Enough to have heard the rumble from under the bonnet at least.

Finally parked at the kerb of our first stop, I failed to resist the enticing sight of Teddy’s parted pink lips and leaned over the console, lovingly pressing mine to hers. The persuasion of my sedate kiss rousing enough as glazed, sleepy eyes fluttered open and peered up at me. I smiled warmly; she looked adorable.

“We’re here,” I murmured, gently stroking her cheek. “Do you want a hand?”

She nodded through the midst of another yawn. “Yes, please.”

“Well, allow me,” I kindly offered before swiftly jumping out and walking around the front of the car to open the door for her.

Gently slipping her hand into mine, she elegantly unfolded her lithe body and straightened just as a gust of wind unexpectedly blew, catching the hem of her short peplum skirt. Which, in turn, captured the attention of a passing jogger. His widening eyes growing bigger than saucers, he paused to ogle at the enticing view of her long shapely legs and the soft curve of her pert behind. I promptly pushed the skirt back down and lifted my sunglasses, glaring darkly at him. He wisely heeded to my silent warning and promptly hot-footed it out of there.

My hand firmly lingered in place as an oblivious Teddy shielded her eyes and looked around.

“Ari, where are we?”

I grinned. “We’re in the lovely suburb of Hampton. And this -,” I stiffly swivelled and swept a free hand towards the ranch-style house. “- is the surprise I wanted to show you; a house, obviously, one that unfortunately needs work, a lot by the looks of the rather dated and austere façade.”

“You’re not wrong there,” she agreed, screwing up her nose at me. “And as you’re aware Mid-century isn’t exactly my favourite genre. Well, you should, considering our many discussions!” she scornfully added.

Ignoring the snippy attitude and inhaling sharply, I turned my attention to the silver Audi SUV pulling alongside us. As the motor shut down, the door opened, and a stout, middle-aged man wearing an expensively tailored suit stepped out. His thick, slicked-back hair gleaming in the sun as he briefly spun and closed the door behind him before confidently waltzing towards us.

“Mr Jaeger, I presume?” His toothy smile beaming, he thrust out a hand for me to shake. “Drew Griffyn, owner and Manager of Griffyn Real Estate.”

“It’s a pleasure,” I acknowledged, reciprocating with a firm shake before politely introducing Teddy. “And this lovely lady beside me is my girlfriend, Teddy McGovern.”

“Lovely to make your acquaintance, Ms McGovern,” he enunciated, demurely slipping her slender hand within his and shaking a little less enthusiastically.

“Likewise,” she replied, blushing as he lifted her hand to his lips. I sighed impatiently. What was with the men around Teddy today? They were acting as if they’d never laid eyes on an attractive woman before. Call it jealously, but I’d had enough and tugged Teddy to my side, forcing him to remove his smarmy lips. He almost seemed put out as he straightened and looked across at me. Fuck him. He was lucky I opted for the more gentlemanly approach instead of punching him.

“We are here to view a house, are we not?” I icily queried through clenched teeth.

Smoothing a hand over his jacket, he flashed a well-rehearsed smile at us once again. “Of course.”

Not about to offer him a chance to perv on my girlfriend’s behind either, I curtly gestured for him to move ahead of us. “Well, if you don’t mind, Mr Griffyn.”

Taking the hint, he prudently walked ahead of us. He wasn’t the only one to pick up my ill-tempered mood.

“That caveman behaviour wasn’t necessary, Ari!” Teddy blazed, folding her arms across her chest. Her gaze darted, clearly checking to see that Drew wasn't within earshot of us before defending his lingering handshake. Thankfully he was already inside waiting for us. “Drew was only being friendly.”

I scoffed sarcastically. “Oh, I noticed.”

“Just because he held onto my hand…”

“And kissed it! You might want to sanitise though, who knows where his lips have been!” I shot back.

“You don’t get this bent out of shape when your fathers kissed me!”

“My fathers a gentleman, that’s why!” Her mouth tightened before huffing at me. “Can we go view this house now, please, instead of arguing?”

“Fine! But no more caveman bullshit! And get out of your bad mood, you’ve been cranky since you picked me up.”

I scruffed my hair and sighed. My foul mood had been rather uncalled for, that’s for sure. Teddy’s upset expression was enough to sober me. “I’m sorry. Now, can we go and check out this house, please?”

Her passionate kiss was enough to say she’d forgiven me, and with both of us smiling, we made the ascent up the curved and cracked concrete driveway. But as we drifted up to a rather grotesque front door painted in an equally disgusting bright blue, Drew I had noticed, was waiting for us in the foyer.

“I’ll wait here, and feel free to ask me any questions once you’ve completed your inspection.” With that, he swiftly stepped aside into another room and pulled out his phone, his exuberant voice booming throughout the empty house whilst we freely wandered.

But considering we’d scarcely landed inside a just as outlandish entryway when an intuitive Teddy rapidly launched into her suggested changes. The colour was just for starters. Then we ventured upstairs. The layout, as well as the size of the bedrooms, were also an issue. I endeavoured to keep up with her, barely.

“It just doesn’t work—any of it. If we knock out a wall here in the main bedroom and take away space from the bedroom next door, we could rebuild the ensuite, making it substantially bigger and add a decently sized walk-in-robe to suit both our needs. We’d need to ensure the walls weren’t load-bearing beforehand though.” She sighed sadly. “Even better yet…”

“Knock it down and start again?”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.” I was right in my guess; just showed how well I knew her. “The entire layout of this house is such a mishmash. For it to make any sense, it would require ripping out and rebuilding every single wall – upstairs and downstairs. Not ideal, is it?”

“Not particularly no. But we have the advantage of remaining in either of our houses whilst we rebuild at least,” I advised as Teddy’s nose scrunched distastefully at the musty smell seeping from inside one of the small wardrobes. “Unlike the unlucky few, who unfortunately have no other choice but to live amongst the rubble and the constant dust until completion.”

“That’s true too,” she thoughtfully murmured, once again looking out over the busy road at the gentle surf. “It’s not aesthetically pleasing either; it needs to fit in with its surrounding environment.”

“That we can both agree on,” I replied, slipping my hands inside my trouser pockets, my fixed gaze observing as she listlessly wandered. Eventually, she paused in the doorway of the ensuite. Decorated with garishly bright blue tiles, the current size of the bathroom was barely big enough for one person, let alone two.

“Yeah, that’s true…”

“I sense a ‘but’ coming on?”

Pivoting on one of the spikes of her heels, she propped a slim shoulder against the mud-coloured doorframe and stared apologetically. “I’m not sure I could be bothered with the headaches renovating brings either, particularly now we have a baby on the way.”

“Whatever you want. You’re the architect and knows what works or what doesn’t.”

Teddy’s dim mood rapidly evaporated as she purposely strolled towards the large windows in long strides. “Imagine,” she enthusiastically began, spreading her arms wide to showcase her vision, “clearing the entire block and building a house that embodied the stunning view outside?”

Standing alongside her, I quickly envisioned the picturesque view. “With our bedroom taking front and centre stage, blessing us with that splendid sight every morning.”

“Precisely,” she chanted, slinking her arms around my shoulders. “Doesn’t sound any more perfect, or enticing.” Laying those luscious lips to mine, she recited her thoughts between soft, seductive kisses. “Lazing about. In bed. Eating breakfast. Every. Single. Morning.”

A clearing throat swiftly reminded us we weren’t alone, drawing our attention away from our lovesick behaviour and back to our overzealous agent. Both our gazes turning simultaneously to find Drew smiling broadly at us.

“Mr Jaeger, Ms McGovern, I take it you’re both pleased with the house?”

“The house, no, but the location, yes,” I conveyed respectfully. “Do you mind if I email you tonight once Ms McGovern and I have discussed this further?”

“Of course. But please be aware this house has other interested parties, ones who are considering placing a substantial offer.”

My eyes rolled. Mr Griffyn was ignorantly unaware of my reputation it seemed. “Mr Griffyn, please, I researched the property market thoroughly prior to our contact, and this anaemic residence -,” I gave a vague wave of my hand, “- has been listed for quite some time, correct?” I fought the smile threatening to grace my face as he reluctantly nodded. Slipping my hands back into my pockets, I stared him down. “So, knowing that’s not the case, I shall inform you sometime later this evening with an offer, how’s that for you?”

Caught by the short and curly’s, he rapidly cleared the lump of bullshit choking his throat. “Of course, Mr Jaeger.”

I smiled triumphantly. “Right, now that’s sorted, we ought to get going so we can view another property.”

Teddy raised a questionable brow, sandwiching one of my hands between hers. “Where’s this one, may I ask?”

I smirked. “Mickleham. So either way, Mr Griffyn, there shall be a sale by the day's end.”

“Thank you, Mr Jaeger.”

With that in mind, we took off leaving our grinning agent behind with eyes as big as saucers spinning big dollar signs. With the commission received, not only from the sale of the new property but my house in Beaumaris as well, he might be able to retire. Well, almost.

Whilst I quietly stood aside, Teddy quietly inspected everything the empty block in Mountainview Lane had to offer. Or lack thereof in its current state. Except for the cows lowing from a field in the distance, or the odd crow cawing alongside the screeching cockatoo’s in the branches of the gum trees overhead, there wasn’t a sound to be heard for miles, not even the bustling freeway. To my mind, a cul-de-sac this far from the city meant tranquillity: an ideal place to recharge one’s batteries after a long day at the office.

“What’s the land size again, Ari?” she asked, carefully tiptoeing through a blend of long grass and weeds in strappy four-inch heels.

“Just under six acres. Plenty of space for a big house with a growing family.” Linking our fingers, I led Teddy by the hand, taking her to the fenceline. We stood in front of a sagging, and rusting wire fence held up by equally ancient, rotting boxwood posts. “Well, which one would you prefer; the beach house or the rural property? The choice is yours. Or I could painfully continue my search if either doesn’t suit.”

She contemplated, chewing on the corner of a glossed, plump bottom lip. “Living close to the beach would be lovely. However, the location along that main road was horrid; all that bustling traffic would eventually drive me bonkers, and unless my mother takes the Cowes house as part of the divorce settlement we’ll still have that as our beachside residence.”

“If that occurs, we’ll buy a house there too.”

The thoughtful gesture had Teddy’s lips curving into a radiant smile. Pushing up onto her toes, she pressed her lips softly to mine. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I murmured gliding an arm around her narrow waist. “So, which one?”

“Let’s buy this property. Albeit it’s quite the mess, it doesn’t mean we can’t make this place beautiful. It also has another advantage,” she sassily informed me.

I cocked my head and waggled my eyebrows. “Besides the wide-open spaces without having to worry about pesky neighbours catching us naked – outside.”

Teddy shrieked with laughter. “No!” But after giving my idea some thought, her tune changed rather quickly. “Hmm, that is an advantage I suppose…” I chuckled. “But it also means there’s enough room to build a set of stables for that temperamental horse of yours.” She giggled as I lifted her off the ground and spun us around. Only I was forced to swiftly stop and set her down as she clapped a hand to her mouth. Not that the threat of vomiting stopped her from mocking my prized thoroughbred stallion. “Bear’s just like his owner; cantankerous and whines a lot.”

Laughter rumbled in my chest. “What do you expect? We’re both British.”

I was barely off the phone from our overeager agent when I made the mistake of walking directly into a room full of incessantly nattering women. My exuberant sister was the first to congratulate me.

“Ari!” Dominique squealed, throwing slim arms around my waist. “That’s so exciting, you and Teddy building a house together; a fresh and untainted start for you both.”

I smiled perceptively; she understood all too well. “The prospect is exciting, yes, but what I’m most enthused about is the fact Teddy’s designing our home. It shall be one of a kind,” I proudly stated. “How about we go out for dinner to celebrate?”

“Yes, please!” she gleefully replied, clapping her hands together. A little too enthusiastic for my liking, there had to be a catch. “But you’re paying, bro!” A restrained breath escaped, I knew it.

“Um, I’m broke.” I tugged at my empty pockets. “See, moths… Perhaps you could kindly pay instead. Surely you’ve dipped into that trust fund you have by now?”

A well-shaped eyebrow raised sharply. “Don’t give me that crap, brother! You just dolled out half a mil purchasing five acres –“

“It was closer to a million for nearly six acres, actually,” I smugly corrected.

“Whatever,” Dom scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. “The point is you just parted with a shitload of cash buying a property in an upcoming suburb – without a frigging house!”

“Precisely why I’m now broke,” I dryly countered and received quite the resounding slap to my chest for my troubles with an eye roll added for good measure. “Ow! I’m telling mum.”

Sardonic eyes rolled at me again. “Oh, grow up!”

I watched my sarky sister with merriment as she proceeded to marshall her roommates, all the while elatedly informing them I was indeed paying. The whoops of delight that ensued making my head shake whilst rigidly remaining rooted to the spot, arms crossed, with my gaze following the wild trio up the stairs. But upon hearing a riotous snort, I directed my attention towards a mirthless Teddy, and immediately became turned on by the seductive sway of her narrow hips.

“I take it Dom didn’t believe you?” she asked, snaking her arms around my neck and toying with the shortened hair at my nape with her fingertips, making me purr like a contented cat.

I let out a humourless laugh. “What do you think?”

Pointedly, she said, “Have you seen your car, or where you live for that matter?”

“Fair point. I wasn’t very convincing, was I?”

“No, you weren’t. Shower before we go out?” she murmured, rubbing the length of her slender figure against me. Perhaps we were both cats in another life.

The corners of my mouth quirked into a lascivious grin as I wound my arms around Teddy’s torso and yanked her closer. “Only if you join me…” I immodestly invited, between soft, chaste kisses.

“Only if we shower.” The scorching fire in her eyes told me differently.

“Oh, my darling Teddy, you wound me so.”

Clouded Judgement

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