Читать книгу How Not to Act Old: 185 Ways to Pass for Cool, Sound, Wicked, or at Least Not Totally Lame - Pamela Satran Redmond - Страница 6



OK, so you go to the gym, but do you Tweet? You don’t wear orthopaedic shoes, but can you grind? You own a mobile phone, but do you make calls with your index finger and leave voice mails?

If so, you may be acting older – a lot older – than you think you are.

I know, I know, you believed it would never happen to you. You thought you’d be cool for ever. And then, seemingly overnight, the evil young changed all the rules and you’re left feeling … well, definitely something other than awesome.

Don’t worry. The point here isn’t to act like a twenty-six-year-old: God forbid. It’s just to learn how not to act like somebody a twenty-six-year-old might snicker at. Or, failing that, at least to know when you’re doing or saying something that might be construed as a mite over the hill – even if you don’t want to change it.

Fans of hownottoactold.com will find this book features two-thirds all-new material, information that’s never appeared on the website. And fans of the book should check in regularly at the site to find up-to-the-minute bulletins on how to keep not acting ancient.

We may be older than them. And tireder, saggier, crankier and more overwhelmed. We might be loath to wax our nether regions or adopt the thong – but at least when we act old, we’ll know we’re doing it.

How Not to Act Old: 185 Ways to Pass for Cool, Sound, Wicked, or at Least Not Totally Lame

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