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Analyzing cell values with color scales


Getting some idea about the overall distribution of values in a range is often useful. For example, you might want to know whether a range has many low values and just a few high values. Color scales can help you analyze your data in this way. A color scale compares the relative values in a range by applying shading to each cell, where the color reflects each cell’s value.

Color scales can also tell you whether your data includes outliers: values that are much higher or lower than the others. Similarly, color scales can help you make value judgments about your data. For example, high sales and low numbers of product defects are good, whereas low margins and high employee turnover rates are bad.

To apply a color scale to a range of values, do the following:

1 Select the range you want to format.

2 Choose Home ⇒ Conditional Formatting.

3 Choose Color Scales and then select the color scale that has the color scheme you want to apply.Color scales come in two varieties: three-color scales and two-color scales. If your goal is to look for outliers, go with a three-color scale because it helps the outliers stand out more. A three-color scale is also useful if you want to make value judgments about your data, because you can assign your own values to the colors (such as positive, neutral, and negative). Use a two-color scale when you want to look for patterns in the data, because a two-color scale offers less contrast.Excel applies the color scale to each cell in your selected range.

Excel Data Analysis For Dummies

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