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Undoing an edit


The iPad’s many editing features give it an almost computer-like feel, but there’s another feature that takes it a step closer to computer-hood: Undo. That’s right, just like on your regular computer, iPadOS offers an Undo command that can reverse your most recent action, whether it’s typing something, deleting some text, or pasting an object you cut or copied. If that typing, deletion, or paste was a mistake, Undo is happy to reverse it for you.

To use Undo, you have two choices:

 Above the keyboard, tap the Undo icon (the left-pointing arrow pointed out earlier in Figure 1.5). Note that the keyboard also offers a Redo icon that undoes the Undo.

 Give your iPad a vigorous shake and you see a dialog similar to the one shown in Figure 1.9. Tap Undo Action (where Action is whatever type of edit you’re reversing, such as Paste or Typing) to reverse your most recent edit.

1.9 Shake your iPad to display the Undo dialog.

iPad Portable Genius

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