Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 46


The Tower of Babel

As the Sons of God multiplied in the earth, the size of their groups increased, and they eventually became nations.

Thus when man began to defy God in the earth and the confusion arose which is represented in the Tower of Babel—these are [the] representation of what was then the basis, the beginnings of nations. Nations were set up then in various portions of the land, and each group, one stronger than another, set about to seek their gratifications.


The developments represented in Genesis 11 occurred over many thousands, if not millions of years, and originated in pre-Adamic civilizations. Moses, in order to present an easily grasped and comprehensible picture, told his history as a continuous, chronological sequence. Actually the events symbolized in Cain and Abel, the Flood, and the Tower were occurring simultaneously and were overlapping events. These stories depict the same phenomena, told from different points of view—the loss of the spiritual consciousness and its effect upon the Sons of God.

. . . commenting upon the subject Destiny of the Soul: As man finds himself in the consciousness of a material world, materiality has often, in the material-minded, blotted out the consciousness of a soul.


Before Babel, the whole world “spoke one language with few words.” (Genesis 11:1)

The disruption of communications of all natures between men is what? Remember the story, the allegory if ye choose to call it such, of the Tower of Babel.


Edgar Cayce’s Bible class lessons contain several thoughtful conceptions. The following is a composite of the presentation:

“Were the people conscious of evil while building the Tower? They must have been aware of doing something that deep within themselves they knew was not necessary to do. They felt they had to rely upon their own physical abilities to build material defenses against another disaster. They were acting in direct opposition to the promise that there would no longer be any wholesale destruction by Flood.

“They were afraid of being scattered, and the very thing they hoped would prevent it actually caused it to happen.

“Because they were of one mind, to build in the material, God saw the power of their united imaginations could and would—build such a barrier that they would never find Heaven.

“As they built, they became aware of God. The Spirit entered into their consciousness and changed their attitude toward the work. No wonder they became confused.

“God’s laws are such that their own material building began to confuse them. It is the same today. We can go so far in the material and no further. We defeat our own selves.

“Their concept of Heaven was a place high up. They were looking outside of themselves for it. They were about to start the whole process of thought-form creation all over again. They had to realize, through long ages of suffering and learning obedience (just as we must) that the real building of the Tower is within the individual, not outside. The preparation must be within.”

The time arrived, even in the Adamic line, when the people no longer wholly believed in spiritual truths or universal law. They began to worship their own physical abilities, their own individual prowess and powers, and began to act independently of the Spirit. Once this pattern was established, trouble and tribulation resulted.

Yet man in his greed, in his own selfishness, has set himself so oft at naught by the very foolishness of his own wisdom.

For the soul had understanding before he partook of the flesh in which the choice was to be made. The choice, or the road, or the path, once taken, then the end thereof was (and is) tribulation, toil, misunderstanding. And this expression came into such measures that there arose the periods when man came as one and said, “We will build, we will go to now and make those conditions that will prevent any such confusion again among men.”

And then came the diversity of tongues and confusion arose. For the very selfishness of man had brought [about] this confusion, this defiance to a God of love, of mercy, of patience, in such a measure that He gave that expression, “There is nothing beyond the scope of man’s ability unless he misinterpret his brother’s words.”


In a subsequent reading, a clarification was asked:

(Q) Please explain . . . what is meant by “any such confusions” referred to when it was said, “We will build, we will go to now and make those conditions that will prevent any such confusions again among men.” Why did they think a Tower would help?

(A) The Tower was after the flood. This is very simple—to reach above. Why do you build houses? Why do you build boats, those things that become “above the flood”? It was just the same! Same concept—that it might reach even to that which would not be destroyed by flood again.


If Cayce is correct, this entity was an ancestor of those who erected the Tower:

Before that the entity lived in the earth during those periods when the peoples were separated that prepared for the preserving of the activities in the earth.

The entity was the son of Ham (Canaan) that laughed at the weakness of the grandfather [Genesis 9]. Thus the entity was one of those who occupied the ark, or was in the ark during that period.

After the journeys in the ark, the entity set out activities in definite conditions for the establishing of groups in various portions of the land.

Thus things that have to do with mechanical things are innately of interest. And the entity gathers those peculiar things or oddities about itself in one respect or another.

As to the abilities of the entity in the present . . . the application of self should be in writing of the peculiarities, the oddities of various groups and in their manner of worship in various portions of the earth.


In this Life reading we have a record of activities around the Tower of Babel. It indicates the pattern is still the same today:

. . . the entity was active when there were those first separations of the sons of those who were saved at the periods when the ark settled upon Ararat, and when the divisions arose just before the activities in the Tower of Babel.

We find that the entity attempted to create the better relationships with the various groups of individuals, and those who sought to make for disturbances that brought dissensions among the sons of Noah.

For the entity attempted to carry on those tenets and conditions which had been presented by his grandfather Noah in that period. Yet the entity was overridden by those of power, might, and position. Hence latently, though he may find expression in overactivity, we find the entity feel himself a little bit beneath that he attempts to gain.

The name then was Jeurepth.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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