Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 63

Jacob’s Ladder


The ancient ladder symbol which appears in this dream makes it particularly outstanding.

(Q) [asked by Miss 993 in 281 series] Please interpret the following dream which I received a few days before Christmas: I was climbing a ladder and as I approached the top I became conscious of one round being out of the ladder at the top. It was with great difficulty that I continued to climb at this point Thankful to say, I was able with my finger-tips to reach the top. It took all my strength to pull my body up it. Those who were following back of me seemed to have no such difficulty, and one of the group made that remark. There was an answer by one already there, that as I made the climb I had laid the last round in the ladder.

(A) Both prophetic and profound in this experience of the bodyconsciousness with the soul’s experience. That the ladder represents the Way is evidenced, as has been given in interpretations for those that visioned even the ladder to heaven upon which there ascended and descended the angels of light. In that the rung was missing and that self had to make the effort to attain the top makes for those experiences oft in the mind’s consciousness of many, that others that self considers as having an easy way do not become confronted with those hardships as is felt at times are experienced by others. But rather as the voice that came from above, when the self had made the way easier for those that would ascend by the experiences of self, that “I am the way,” knowing that He made of Himself no estate that others through Him might have access to the Father. And as the voice of those who cry the way is easier that thou hast made the last rung, for us; and as there is the cry from above, “Well done,” there should come that peace within self that thine work of thine hand is acceptable in His sight. Be not unto vainglory, but rather in that happiness that passeth understanding in knowing that the work of thine hands is acceptable in His Sight.


Cayce again referred to the ladder when another woman, Mrs. 1158, requested a Life reading:

As to the appearances in the earth, the one stands so far beyond the others—as indicated—that they become rather of little note; yet they each have their influence as a lesson, as a stepping stone upon the pathway. Or rather as that vision that was given of old—yea, which has been, which will become a vision to thine self—of that ladder upon which the rungs of life become here and there the pathway upon which the angels of mercy, light, patience, understanding, brotherly love, descend and rise again. As thou in thine experience has seen the ladder with the missing rung, know that such missing rungs are to be placed by not that as a service as duty alone; rather as the service of love, that ye may be even like Him.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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