Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 55

Abraham and Edgar Cayce


The past and the present combine in this experience. On February 12, 1932, Edgar Cayce had the following dream:

“I thought I was with Mr. and Mrs. Lot and their two daughters running out of Sodom when it was raining fire and brimstone. What had been called, “She turned to a pillar of salt” (Genesis 19:26), because she looked back, was that they really passed through the heat which came from the fire of heaven, and all were tried as by fire. I got through the fire.”

On April 1, a reading was given to interpret the dream. The reading stated that Edgar Cayce actually had been one of the messengers (Genesis 19:1, 15, 16) who had been sent to warn Lot and the citizens of Sodom. Evidently Edgar Cayce was one of the three who had spoken to Abraham beforehand. (Genesis 18)

In this particular vision, this is rather as an experience through which the body passed with those at the period; for the body then, the entity, was one that accompanied these bodies in this experience, and in the present must and will pass through—in the mental attitudes that are being assumed as respecting the body and activities—much as those bodies in that experience. As to whether [Cayce] is to remain in that of the escape, as then, or is warned as respecting the outcome of the individuals seen, depends upon the attitude, and activities in the physical of the body through these trials; for they [the trials] will be as of by fire.13


On April 2, the following day, a subsequent reading was given to interpret the above references. Although the dream related to a past life experience, it was attempting to communicate a message about the present. Edgar Cayce felt the dream pertained to the apparent necessity of leaving Virginia Beach, the place where previous readings had indicated he should settle.

After financial support was withdrawn from the Cayce Hospital and it closed at the onset of the Depression, Cayce faced a severe dilemma. Three homes into which he had moved were sold, necessitating further moves. Then he was unable to find a place to live.

In that as given of Lot, there was the choice by Lot as to whether this experience would be among the peoples in the city or those of the plains, or of those of the hills. The life was chosen rather among those, and companionship of these, of the city, which—in common parlance—“turned out bad!”

In the correlating with the life of Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach was chosen rather by those sources through whom the information comes; and while the experience is as the attempt on the part of individuals and a group to make same so unpleasant as to cause much the same attitude as was forced to and through the life of Lot—but Lot’s experience was besought by a just man—Lot sought little for himself, save as to the gratifying of that as had been builded about same. So, as correlating the experience, then, of the leader or director at the time, and the experience as is in action of the physical manifestation of the body, rely rather upon those sources or channels through which such information and direction has come.

Believest thou that thou has contacted, do contact, those sources from which good may come to self or to others? Then act in that way and manner, irrespective of the attitude or actions of others.


This reading expresses some of the pressures and problems confronting Edgar Cayce, but also gives us a rare view of the nature and character of Lot. It is noted Lot sought little for himself, except gratification. Understanding this self-indulgent strain in an otherwise godly man gives us the basis for a possible interpretation of his daughters’ incestuous actions (Genesis 19:31-35). If he didn’t have it within him, they could not have seduced him.

“After his escape from Sodom, Lot refused to go with the angel to the mountaintop,” Edgar Cayce commented and observed. “The mountaintop represents the place where man communes with God—or, where self must be met and seen in light of the Divine. Evidently Lot was not prepared to do this. He had been saved because of the prayers of Abraham, but even Abraham’s prayers could not keep Lot from having to meet himself.” Lot chose rather to go to “a little city” (Genesis 19:20), perhaps to commit his same follies, but in a “smaller” way.

Evidently Lot’s wife shared the same weakness as her husband, as this reading indicates:

As the trust, the hope, the faith is manifested by the patience day by day, does there become the more awareness in self’s own inner consciousness that all is well with Him; knowing that if the Lord is on thy side, who may be against you? Trust, and do that thou knowest to do, acting as the Spirit moves within—and look not back; remember Lot’s wife.


(Q) In the reading of August 7, please explain what is meant by “Look not back; remember Lot’s wife.”

(A) Looking to the front ever, for as one looks towards the light, the shadows fall behind and do not become stumbling blocks to individual development. Thoughts are things, and while the past that is passed may be used as stepping-stones to higher things, looking back causes one to stumble, even as Lot’s wife looked upon that left as longing for those satisfying elements that made for the carnal, rather than the spiritual life.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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