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Confession time


Tipped off by investigators in Taipei, Hong Kong police questioned Chan on March 13. Under caution, the teenager said that on their last night in Taipei, he and Poon had quarreled over how to pack the new pink suitcase they had bought at a night market earlier that evening.

They made up and made love, he said, but began arguing again in the early hours of the next morning when Poon blurted out that the father of her baby was her ex-boyfriend. Chan said Poon had then shown him a video of her having sex with another man, and he flew into a jealous rage.

He smashed Poon’s head against the wall and, when she fell to the floor, strangled her with both hands, struggling with her writhing body for several minutes until she fell still. He then stuffed her corpse into the suitcase they had bought together and went to bed.

At 7am, he got rid of Poon’s belongings by leaving them at various rubbish collection points near the hotel. He then wheeled her body out of the hotel in the suitcase and caught a train, traveling 15 stations before dumping the corpse in a thicket at a park near Zhuwei station.

He threw away the empty suitcase but kept Poon’s iPhone 6, her Casio digital camera and HSBC cash card. He then used the card to withdraw NT$20,000 (HK$5,160) and went shopping for clothes before catching the 11.22pm flight back to Hong Kong. Over the next two days, he used Poon’s ATM card to withdraw a further HK$19,200 (US$2,470) to pay his credit card bills.

The details of the case seemed clear and, with Chan having confessed, Hong Kong police formally arrested him. Taiwanese police found Poon’s decomposing body later that day, exactly where Chan said it would be.

Rebel City

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