Читать книгу Rebel City - South China Morning Post Team - Страница 9



This book is the embodiment of teamwork. The South China Morning Post newsroom mobilized resources across desks to stay on top of a story that had a new twist every day and made headlines on every continent.

For colleagues in the thick of covering the action, there was barely time to catch a breath. Yet, nobody bemoaned the arduous workload. Many had to be forced to take days off, and when they did they still contributed to our coverage.

Some were pepper-sprayed, tear-gassed and injured by flying objects – and, in the case of one colleague, by a rubber bullet. Everyone knew that history was being made before our eyes. Nobody wanted to blink.

From our exhaustive and exhausting reportage, we have compiled this anthology of essays and a brief selection of commentary. We thank those who helped update and augment their articles for this book, despite being caught up in the coverage of another life-changing story: the coronavirus pandemic.

We are also so grateful to our newsmakers and sources on all sides of this complex story. Everyone, we can safely say, has been traumatized at some level by what happened in 2019. No one has emerged from it unscathed. This book would not have been possible if they were not willing to share their perspectives so generously.

We would like to thank our editor-in-chief Tammy Tam for being as excited about this book as we were when we proposed it to her. We appreciate the guidance and support she provided together with executive editor Chow Chung-yan and chief news editor Yonden Lhatoo throughout the months of coverage.

We are indebted to copyeditors Yi Hui, Alan, Andrew and James, designer Huy and photo editor Robert. All put in many, many extra hours on top of the daily grind. We would also like to acknowledge colleagues at the Hong Kong and Asia desks who covered for us while we dove into this project.

Finally, on behalf of the SCMP team that covered the protests in 2019 and 2020, we would like to thank those dear to us whom we were forced to neglect for long periods. We would not have survived these months without your love and support.

Zuraidah Ibrahim and Jeffie Lam

Rebel City

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