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I bow to that best of teachers, who is compassionate and destroys all doubts, whose feet point out the non-dual experience3 known as ‘That’4.

deśika teacher, vara best, dayālu compassionate, √vand to bow to, aham (asmad) I, nihata destroyed, nikhila all, sandeha doubt;

yat (yad) that, caraṇa foot, dvaya pair, advaya non-dual, anubhava experience, upa√diś to point out, tat (tad) That, pada word, artha meaning.

3 This is ‘advaya anubhava’ in Sanskrit. Experience of the non-dual may seem self- contradictory, but the word for experience ‘anubhava’ literally means ‘being along with’. Hence this type of experience is not experience of something separate.

4 This is a reference to such expressions in the Upaniṣads as ‘You are That’ (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.8.7) in which ‘That’ means the ultimate reality.

Self Discovery

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