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You are Absolute. Therefore, the idea ‘I am not Absolute’ is only delusion. Through delusion there is division, wherein all difficulties8 have root.

brahman Absolute, tvam (yuṣmad) You, eva verily, tasmāt (tad) therefore, na not, aham (asmad) I, brahman, iti thus, moha delusion, mātra only, idam this;

moha, √bhū to be, bheda division, kleśa difficulty, sarva all, √bhū, tad that, mūla root.

8 The Sanskrit word here is ‘kleśa’, which can be translated as ‘pain, affliction, distress, anguish’. There are, according to the Yoga Sūtras (2.3), five difficulties, namely, ignorance (avidyā), ego (asmitā), attachment (rāga), aversion (dveṣa), and obsession (abhiniveśa).

Self Discovery

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