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One who thinks ‘I am not’ thinks that the Absolute does not in truth exist. Fully realising7 ‘I am’ one knows oneself as Absolute alone.

na not, aham (asmad) I, iti thus, √vid to think, to know, yaḥ (yad) who, asau (adas) that, satyam truly, brahman Absolute, eva verily, √vid, na, √as to be, iti;

aham, √as, iti, vi√jn͂ā to know fully, brahman, eva, asau, svayam oneself, vi√jñā.

7 The Sanskrit here is ‘vijānan’, the present participle of the root ‘jñā’, ‘to know’, with the prefix ‘vi’. ‘Vi’ here indicates thorough knowledge and experience in practice. The implication is that ‘I am’ is not fully realised if that awareness is attached to some activity.

Self Discovery

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