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Who can doubt their own existence? 6 Even if you have such a doubt the doubter is really your Self.

asti there is, exists, svayam oneself, iti thus, asmin (idam) in this, artha matter,

kasya (ka) of which, asti, saṃśaya doubt, puṃs person;

atra here, api even, saṃśaya, cet if, saṃśayitṛ doubter,

yaḥ (yad) who, saḥ (tad) he, eva really, bhavasi you are, tvam You.

6 Śaṅkara here clearly distinguishes his teaching from doctrines which maintain that the Self does not exist. For Śaṅkara, the Self (ātman) and the Absolute (brahman), which are identical, are positive, and by nature being, consciousness and bliss (sat-citānanda). This topic is also discussed in Taittirīya Upaniṣad 2.6.1.

Self Discovery

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