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Scorched by the blaze of worldly illusion, the disciplined aspirant is enlightened by the teacher through words enabling discovery of one’s own Self 5.

saṃsāra worldly illusion, dāva conflagration, pāvaka fire, santapta scorched, sakala all, sādhanā spiritual practice, upeta endowed;

sva own, ātman Self, nirūpaṇa discovery, nipuṇa capable, vākya sentence, words, śiṣya disciple, pra√budh to enlighten, guru teacher.

5 The Sanskrit expression here gives the whole work its title ‘Svātmanirūpaṇam’. ‘Nirūpaṇa’ means ‘discovering, stating, determining, defining’, from the root ‘rūp’ with the prefix ‘ni’. ‘Rūp’ means ‘to form, figure, represent (especially on stage)’ and ‘ni-rūp’ to perform, indicate by gesture; to find out, discover, ascertain; to investigate, examine, search, consider, reflect upon.’

Self Discovery

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