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How This Book Is Structured


This book is divided into seven sections, each containing a series of short lessons. The lessons are generally arranged in order, with later lessons depending on earlier ones, so you should study the lessons more or less in order, at least through the first four sections. The lessons in sections V, VI, and VII cover slightly more specialized topics and you can study them in any order.

Many of the exercises are tagged with a topic as in [Games] or [WPF]. Those indicate a theme that you may find interesting. For example, the [Games] exercises involve techniques that you may find useful if you want to build game programs. The topics include:

● [WPF] – These ask you to use WPF. They are often harder than corresponding Windows Forms programs, but they sometimes produce better-looking results. (You also need to use WPF to build tablet-style and Windows Phone apps.)

● [Games] – These are generally amusing or demonstrate techniques that may be useful in building game programs.

● [SimpleEdit] – This is a simple word processing application that is built and enhanced over a sequence of exercises in several lessons.

● [Drawing] – These exercises make a program that draws lines and shapes.

● [Hard] – Exercises with this tag are generally harder than most of the other exercises so they may take some extra time. (I bet you guessed that!)

● [Advanced] – These exercises use more advanced techniques and may be harder.

● [Bonus] – These exercises extend the topic covered in the lesson and include extra instructions for performing a technique not covered in the main lesson.

Persistent Programs

Many of the exercises ask you to edit an earlier version of a program. Just copy the previous version into a new directory and modify it there. (The section “Copying Projects” in Lesson 1 explains how to do that.)

If you skip an exercise, you may later not have a version that you need to copy. In that case just download the version you need from the book's website.

For example, the instructions for Exercise 24-1 ask you to copy the program you built for Exercise 23-1. If you skipped that exercise, you can download the Lesson 23 material from the book's website and use the version that it contains.

The book's sections are:

I: The Visual Studio IDE and Controls– These lessons explain how to use the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and how to use the controls that make up a user interface. You need to study these lessons to get started.

II: Variables and Calculations– These lessons deal with variables and calculations. They explain what variables are and how a program can use them to calculate results. They also explain how to debug programs.

III: Program Statements– These lessons describe program statements and syntax. They explain how to control the program's flow, make decisions, and repeat operations.

IV: Classes– These lessons deal with classes. They explain how to create and use classes and how to use more advanced class features such as generics and operator overloading.

V: System Interactions– These lessons explain ways in which a program can interact with the operating system by reading and writing files and by generating printouts.

VI: Windows Apps– These sections explain how you can build Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.

VII: Specialized Topics– These lessons introduce topics that don't fit well in the other sections. They explain how to localize programs for different parts of the world, how to build simple database programs, and how to use Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to manipulate data in objects and databases.

C# 24-Hour Trainer

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