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2 Creating Your Work Environment


Starting your own business gives you many freedoms. Of course, each freedom comes with a matching responsibility. One of the most important responsibilities is to yourself — to create a work environment conducive to producing excellent output. Freelancers have to adjust to complete and total freedom while turning out excellent work in a timely manner. You’ll need to minimize distractions, organize your time, and create a routine that defines the limits of your freedom if you want to make a good living — which is the reward for creating a work environment that supports a strong work ethic.

First, set some boundaries regarding your time and space, then explain them carefully to your family (including the kids) and friends. Even if you live in a 25-room mansion, establishing boundaries right from the start will make things easier as your business grows.

Your perfect work space largely depends on the type of creative service you provide, money available to invest, and your personal preference. One freelance writer set up her home office after her cushy executive position with a major corporation evaporated. She certainly never missed her daily two-hour commute, but she couldn’t shake the feeling of being unemployed. After some serious soul-searching, she realized her need for a clear time delineation between work and home. She discovered that even a short drive to a different location supplied that separation; eventually she abandoned her home office for the well-defined structure of a rented office suite. She had a place to go, a sense of employment, and a professional office in which to meet clients. “‘Know yourself’ is my best advice to newbiz-bees,” she said, free advice from a 25-year marketing professional who couldn’t live without that commute.

Start & Run a Creative Services Business

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