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1. Pros and Cons of a Portable Desktop


For writers, a reliable laptop that goes with you everywhere may suffice, especially if money is an issue. This is cutting-edge operations management and deserves applause, if for nothing more than saving a few trees. It’s also a great way to give top-notch presentations either to promote your business or to pitch an idea for a project. When you carry your business in a laptop, even the public library provides an instant office. Meetings with clients become easier, checking on project status is a phone jack or wireless connection away, and finishing off that last paragraph can be accomplished during a ride on the subway.

Of course, if you take your eyes off that precious cargo, a thief may make off with your life’s work and that’s the end of you. For your own peace of mind and protection, make sure you’ve made backup disks for all your software and everything on your computer, especially your current projects. Make sos stand for Safe or Sorry rather than the more colloquial Save Often, Stupid. Additionally, a replacement value insurance policy for your computer (just in case) may be a worthwhile investment. The insurance industry will gladly accommodate you, and a quick replacement is then just a phone call away.

Not all creative pursuits are so easily accommodated, and your business may not flourish within the restrictions of a laptop computer. Buying a second system as backup is an excellent idea, both for safety’s sake and networking capability. “Heavy-duty desktop systems are comparatively cheap and light-duty laptops are dropping in price, so I store all working documents on my laptop so I can grab it and run,” says Brian Dooley, a well-established technical writer in New Zealand. “This keeps my work within arm’s reach no matter where I’m at.” You may also have to prepare slick comprehensives for client review, collate multipage publications, and execute other precise activities that require natural light plus a stable, clean work area. The laptop office will not suffice for these extra endeavors.

Start & Run a Creative Services Business

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