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3. Leverage Your Freelance Advantage


Your advantage as a freelancer is multifaceted. Agencies and studios rarely involve their principals in day-to-day design projects, which can mean only their main clients get their attention. One company hired a well-known Madison Avenue advertising agency to handle their $500,000 advertising campaign. The company’s managing partner kept calling the agency for a status report on campaign progress. His calls were rarely returned the same day, and when they were, it was by a junior copywriter. His budget was relatively small compared to the agency’s other clients, and his work got the attention of only junior staff, who were delegated to handle it so everybody else could concentrate on the really important clients such as Mercedes and Pepsi.

A meduim or small company always benefits by hiring freelancers because the client becomes the center of attention.

What’s wrong with this picture? The client hired a major agency based on the agency’s reputation and the prestige he thought it would bring to his company. He got a lot of mileage at cocktail parties telling everybody he’d hired a big New York ad agency to handle his company’s account. But $500,000 is a lot to pay for boasting rights. He forgot the first rule of the fishbowl — if you want to be a big fish, find a small pond. Clients who want to be treated as if their work is important should hire talent that considers them important because they are the lifeblood of their operation — talent such as freelancers. A medium or small company always benefits by hiring freelancers because the client becomes the center of attention. As a freelancer, take advantage of this and sell yourself as hands-on management. The client who hires a freelance designer has immediate access to creative talent. Of course, when there is no one to pass the buck to, personal diligence becomes even more important. You must commit to and become responsible for your client’s happiness.

If you are willing to bend over backwards or jump through flaming hoops to corner the business, make sure you communicate this to potential clients. The upside is that a focused attitude means certain success. Remember, however, that professional relationships don’t allow for emoting; there just isn’t time. In a portfolio viewing, seize the moment and tell it like it is, because time is short and you may not get another chance. Don’t hint that you give good service; just say it outright and make your point. You must say there is nothing more important than your client’s project and that it will receive your undivided attention — whether or not this is true. Your client doesn’t need to know you have ten other projects. All the client needs to know is that you will finish his project on time and under budget to the best of your ability.

Start & Run a Creative Services Business

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