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Algunas versiones anteriores de los capítulos de este libro aparecieron en las siguientes publicaciones.

Prolegómeno: «Classical Christology after Schleiermacher and Barth: A Thomist Perspective», Pro Ecclesia 20 (2011), 229–63.

Capítulo 2: «The Pure Nature of Christology: Human Nature and Gaudium et Spes 22», Nova et Vetera (English edition) 8/2 (2010), 283–322.

Capítulo 3: «How Barth Got Aquinas Wrong: A Reply to Archie J. Spencer on Causality and Christocentrism», Nova et Vetera (English edition) 7/1 (2009), 241–70.

Capítulo 4: «“Through Him All Things Were Made” (John 1:3), The Analogy of the Word Incarnate according to St. Thomas Aquinas and Its Ontological Presuppositions», en The Analogy of Being: Invention of the Antichrist, or the Wisdom of God?, ed. Thomas Joseph White, 246–79 (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010). A

Capítulo 5: «The Voluntary Action of the Earthly Christ and the Necessity of the Beatific Vision», The Thomist 69 (October 2005), 497–534.

Capítulo 6: «Intra-Divine Obedience in Karl Barth and Nicene-Chalcedonian Christology», Nova et Vetera (English edition) 6/2 (2008), 377–402.

Capítulo 7: «Jesus’ Cry on the Cross and His Beatific Vision», Nova et Vetera (English edition) 5/3 (2007), 555–82.

Capítulo 8: «Kenoticism and the Divinity of Christ Crucified», The Thomist 75 (2011), 1–41.

Conclusión: algunos párrafos están tomados de «The Precarity of Wisdom: Modern Dominican Theology, Perspectivalism and the Tasks of Reconstruction», en Ressourcement Thomism: Sacred Doctrine, the Sacraments, and the Moral Life, ed. M. Levering and R. Hütter, 92–122 (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009).

El Señor encarnado

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