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The first edition of the Galt Cook Book, having for over a year been completely exhausted, and the demand therefor, both local and foreign, continuing strong and unabated, thus proving its great popularity wherever it goes, we have decided to publish a second edition.

In order to make it as perfect as possible, we have gone carefully over the entire book, making such revision as experience has proven to be desirable. Some duplicate recipes have been omitted, others have been corrected and improved, and a valuable addition of new plain, practical, common-sense recipes have been added. Inexperienced housekeepers will find the book of great service, mostly all the recipes having been thoroughly tried and tested, and expressed in terms simple and easily understood by any person at all acquainted with housekeeping.

In selling the first edition of one thousand copies we did not advertise in the press at all, nevertheless they were all speedily absorbed in Galt and neighborhood, Waterloo, Woodstock, and other surrounding places. The book has not only found its way all over Canada, but quite a number have gone to the United States, England and Scotland. Copies of the work have also been sent to China, Egypt, India, South Africa, Australia and other remote countries, either sent as presents by Canadian friends, or written for by persons in those lands who had chanced in some way to see or hear of the book.

Many highly complimentary notices have reached us, both by letters and orally, of our first edition, but we can only spare space for a few of them, which will serve as a sample of the whole.

Mrs. Anna G. Ogilvie wrote on the 16th August, 1895, from near Cairo, Egypt, as follows:

“At the house of one of the American missionaries I have seen an excellent cookery book, called the Galt Cook Book, containing a large number of tested recipes for the kitchen, dining-room and sick-room. I am anxious to have a copy of this book.... Upon receipt of the money please send me the book to the above address, or to Dr. Watson, D.D., American Missionary House, Cairo, Egypt.”

Mrs. Hepple, of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, a good authority on the subject, said of the book:

“It is, without doubt, the best family cook book I have ever seen, and some of the recipes I have tried are better than I have ever seen recommended before for families and gentlemen’s kitchens.”

Mrs. Malcom, wife of the Rev. Dr. Malcom, missionary, Honan, China, under date of the 13th August, 1896, whilst on the voyage from Canada to China, wrote a letter which was published in the Galt papers, and contained the following paragraph:

“It may be of interest to some of the Galt ladies to know that, through their endeavors, their native town has become widely celebrated, as the following shows: Lady Hannan, one of the saloon passengers, asked me if I knew anything about the Galt Cook Book? I replied there was one in my steamer trunk. She told me it was much talked of in the part of England where she came from.”

The preparation of this second edition of the Galt Cook Book has been to us a pleasure, having had the advantage of our previous experience, and we issue it with perfect confidence that in its new and revised form it will prove a valuable adviser in every home which it enters. With thanks to the kind friends who assisted in any way on a former occasion, we now modestly launch the second edition of the Galt Cook Book upon the literary waters, hoping for the continued appreciation of a discerning public.



Galt, 25th November, 1898.

The New Galt Cook Book

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