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For four quarts of soup, use two cups ordinary yellow split peas or two of beans. Pick over and wash in cold water. Put them in a saucepan with two quarts of cold water. Do not add salt till nearly done, as it hardens them. When it boils put in half a cup of cold water, let it boil again, and add cold water in same way every fifteen minutes until you have used two quarts more of cold water. This gradual method softens the peas better. When very tender, season to taste. While the peas are boiling you can put in a ham bone or any other fresh or cooked joint, or a little fried onion, as you please, though the plain pea soup is very nice. Just before the soup is dished, rub all through a stout sieve, return to the kettle, and stir in a paste made by rubbing together smoothly a teaspoonful each of flour and butter. A little baking soda makes the peas cook more quickly if they are hard.

The New Galt Cook Book

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