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By Walter Renton Ingalls


Table of Contents

(December 16, 1905)

The roast-reaction method of lead smelting in reverberatory furnaces never found any general employment in the United States, although in connection with the rude air-furnaces it was early introduced in Missouri. The more elaborate Flintshire furnaces were tried at Granby, in the Joplin district, but they were displaced there by Scotch hearths. The most extensive installation of furnaces of the Flintshire type was made at Desloge, in the Flat River district of southeastern Missouri. This continued in full operation until 1903, when the major portion of the plant was closed, it being found more economical to ship the ore elsewhere for smelting. However, two furnaces have been kept in use to work up surplus ore. As a matter of historic interest, it is worth while to record the technical results at Desloge, which have not previously been described in metallurgical literature.

The Desloge plant, which was situated close to the dressing works connected with the mine, and was designed for the smelting of its concentrate, comprised five furnaces. The furnaces were of various constructions. The oldest of them was of the Flintshire type, and had a hearth 10 ft. wide and 14 ft. long. The other furnaces were a combination of the Flintshire and Tarnowitz types. They were built originally like the newer furnaces at Tarnowitz, Upper Silesia, with a rather large rectangular hearth and a lead sump placed at one side of the hearth near the throat end; but good results were not obtained from that construction, wherefore the furnaces were rearranged with the sump at one side, but in the middle of the furnace, as in the Flintshire form. The rectangular shape of the Tarnowitz hearth was, however, retained. Furnaces thus modified had hearths 11 ft. wide and 16 ft. long, except one which had a hearth 13 ft. wide.

The same quantity of ore was put through each of these furnaces, the increase in hearth area being practically of no useful effect, because of inability to attain the requisite temperature in all parts of the larger hearths with the method of heating employed. The men objected especially to a furnace with hearth 13 ft. wide, which it was found difficult to keep in proper condition, and also difficult to handle efficiently. Even the width of 11 ft. was considered too great, and preference was expressed for a 10 ft. width. In this connection, it may be noted that the old furnaces at Tarnowitz were 11 ft. 9 in. long and 10 ft. 10 in. wide, while the new furnaces were 16 ft. long and 8 ft. 10 in. wide (Hofman, “Metallurgy of Lead,” fifth edition, p. 112). All of these dimensions were exceeded at Desloge.

The Flintshire furnaces at Desloge had three working doors per side; the others had four, but only three per side were used, the doors nearest the throat end being kept closed because of insufficient temperature in that part of the furnace. The furnace with hearth 11 × 14 ft. had a grate area of 6.5 × 3 ft. = 19.5 sq. ft.; the 11 × 16 furnaces had grates 8 × 3 = 24 ft. sq. The ratios of grate to hearth area were therefore approximately 1:8 and 1:7.3, respectively. (Compare with ratio of 1:10 at Tarnowitz, and 1:6⅔ at Stiperstones.) The ash pits were open from behind in the customary English fashion. The grate bars were cast iron, 36 in. long. The bars were 1 in. thick at the top, with ⅝ in. spaces between them. The open spaces were 32 in. long, including the rib in the middle. The bars were 4 in. deep at the middle and 2 in. at the ends. The distance from the surface of the grate bars to the fire-door varied in the different furnaces. Some of those with hearths 11 × 16 ft. and grates 8 × 3 ft. had the bars 6 in. below the fire-door; in others the bars were almost on a level with the fire-door.

The furnaces were run with a comparatively thin bed of coal on the grate, and combustion was very imperfect, the percentage of unburned carbon in the ash being commonly high. This was unavoidable with the method of firing employed and the inferior character of the coal (southern Illinois). The excessive consumption of coal was due largely, however, to the practice of raking out the entire bed of coal at the beginning of the operation of “firing down” (beginning the reaction period), when a fresh fire was built with cordwood and large lumps of coal.

Each furnace had two flues at the throat, 16 × 18 in. in size, each flue being provided with a separate damper. Each furnace had an iron chimney approximately 55 ft. high, of which 13 ft. was a brick pedestal (64 × 64 in.) and the remaining 42 ft. sheet steel, guyed. The chimneys were 42 in. in diameter. The distance from the outside end of the furnace to the chimney was approximately 6 ft., and there was consequently but little opportunity for flue dust to collect in the flue. About once a month, however, the chimney was opened at the base and about two wheelbarrows (say 600 lb.) of flue dust, assaying about 50 per cent. lead, was recovered per furnace.

The furnace house was a frame building 45 ft. wide, with boarded sides and a corrugated-iron pitch roof, supported by steel trusses. The furnaces were set in this house, side by side, their longitudinal axes being at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the building. The distance from the outside of the fire-box end of the furnace to the side of the building was 10 ft. The coal was unloaded from a railway track alongside of the building and was wheeled to the furnace in barrows. Some of the furnaces were placed 18 ft. apart; others 22 ft. apart. The men much preferred the greater distance, which made their work easier, an important consideration in this method of smelting.

The hight from the floor to the working door of the furnace was approximately 36 in. The working doors were formed with cast-iron frames, making openings 7 × 11 in. on the inside and 15 × 28 in. on the outside. On the side of the furnace opposite the middle working door was placed a cast-iron hemispherical pot, set partially below the floor-line. This pot was 16 in. deep and 24 in. in diameter; the metal was ¼ in. thick. The distance from the top of the pot to the line of the working door was 31 in.; from the top of the pot to the bottom of the tap-door was 7 in. The tap-door was 4 in. wide and 9 in. high, opening through a cast-iron plate 1½ in. thick. Below the tap-door and on a line with the upper rim of the pot was a tap-hole 3½ in. in diameter. The frames of the working doors had lugs in front, against which the buckstaves bore, to hold the frames in position. All other parts of the sides of the furnace, including the fire-box, were cased with ⅝ in. cast-iron plates, which were obviously too light, being badly cracked.

The cost of a furnace when built in 1893 was approximately $1400, not including the chimney; but with the increased cost of material the present expense would probably be about $2000. Notwithstanding the light construction of the furnaces, repairs were never a large item. Once a month a furnace was idle about 24 hours while the throat was being cleaned out, and every two months some repairing, such as relining the fire-boxes, etc., was required. If repairs had to be made on the inside of the furnace, two days would be lost while it was cooling sufficiently for the men to enter. In refiring a furnace, from 8 to 12 hours was required to raise it to the proper temperature. Out of the 365 days of the year, a furnace would lose from 20 to 25 days, for cleaning the throat and making repairs to the fire-box, arch, etc.

When a furnace was run with two shifts the schedule of operation was as follows:

Drop charge 4 a.m.
Begin work 7 a.m.
Begin firing down 11 a.m.
Begin first tapping 1 p.m.
Rake out slag 2.30 p.m.
Begin second tapping 3 p.m.
Drop charge 4 p.m.
Begin working 5.30 p.m.
Begin firing down 11 p.m.
Begin first tapping 1 a.m.
Rake out slag 2.30 a.m.
Begin second tapping 3 p.m.

With three shifts on a furnace, the schedule was as follows:

Drop charge 7 a.m.
Begin firing down 12 a.m.
Begin tapping 1 p.m.
Rake out slag 2 p.m.
Begin tapping 2.30 p.m.
Drop charge 3 p.m.
Begin firing down 8 p.m.
Begin tapping 9 p.m.
Rake out slag 10 p.m.
Begin tapping 10.30 p.m.
Drop charge 11.00 p.m.
Begin firing down 4 a.m.
Begin tapping 5 a.m.
Rake out slag 6 a.m.
Begin tapping 6.30 a.m.

The hearths were composed of about 8 in. of gray slag beaten down solidly on a basin of brick, which rested on a filling of clay, rammed solid. The hearth was patched if necessary after the drawing of each charge.

The system of smelting was analogous to that which was practiced in Wales rather than to the Silesian, the charges being worked off quickly, and with the aim of making a high extraction of lead directly and a gray slag of comparatively low content in lead. The average furnace charge was 3500 lb. At the beginning of the reaction period about 85 to 100 lb. of crushed fluorspar was thrown into the furnace and mixed well with the charge. The furnace doors were then closed tightly and the temperature raised, the grate having previously been cleaned. At the first tapping about 1200 lb. of lead would be obtained. A small quantity of chips and bark was thrown into the lead in the kettle, which was then poled for a few minutes, skimmed, and ladled into molds, the pigs weighing 80 lb. The skimmings and dross were put back into the furnace. The pig lead was sold as “ordinary soft Missouri.” The gray slag was raked out of the furnace, at the end of the operation, into a barrow, by which it was wheeled to a pile outside of the building. Shipments of the slag were made to other smelters from time to time, 95 per cent. of its lead content being paid for when its assay was over 40 per cent., and 90 per cent. when lower.

Each furnace was manned by one smelter ($1.75) and one helper ($1.55) per shift, when two shifts per 24 hours were run. They had to get their own coal, ore and flux, and wheel away their gray slag and ashes. In winter, when three shifts were run, the men were paid only $1.65 and $1.50 respectively. There was a foreman on the day shift, but none at night. The total coal consumption was ordinarily about 0.8 to 0.9 per ton of ore. Run-of-mine coal was used, which cost about $2 per ton delivered. The coal was of inferior quality, and it was wastefully burned, as previously referred to, wherefore the consumption was high in comparison with the average at Tarnowitz, where it used to be about 0.5 per ton of ore.

The chief features of the practice at Desloge are compared with those at Tarnowitz, Silesia and Holywell (Flintshire), and Stiperstones (Shropshire), Wales, in the following table, the data for Silesia and Wales being taken from Hofman’s “Metallurgy of Lead,” fifth edition, pp. 112, 113.

Detail Holywell Stiper-stones Tarnowitz Tarnowitz Desloge
Hearth length, ft. 12.00 9.75 11.75 16.00 16.00
Hearth width, ft. 9.50 9.50 10.83 8.83 11.00
Grate length, ft. 4.50 4.50 8.00 8.00 8.00
Grate width, ft. 2.50 2.50 1.67 1.67 3.00
Grate area: hearth area 1:8 1:6⅔ 1:10 1:10 1:7-1/3
Charges per 24 hr., 3 3 2 2 3
Ore smelted per 24 hr., lb. 7,050 7,050 8,800 16,500 10,500
Assay of ore, % Pb 75-80 77.5 70-74 70-74 70
Gray slag, % of charge 12 15 30 27
Gray slag, % Pb 55 38.8 56 38
Men per 24 hr. 6 4 4 6 6
Coal used per ton ore 0.57-0.76 0.56 0.46 0.50 0.90

The regular furnace charge at Desloge was 3500 lb. The working of three charges per 24 hours gave a daily capacity of 10,500 lb. per furnace. These figures refer to the wet weight of the concentrate, which was smelted just as delivered from the mill. Its size was 9 mm. and finer. Assuming its average moisture content to be 5 per cent., the daily capacity per furnace was about 10,000 lb. (5 tons) of dry ore.

The metallurgical result is indicated by the figures for two months of operation in 1900. The quantity of ore smelted was 1012 tons, equivalent to approximately 962 tons dry weight. The pig lead produced was 523.3 tons, or 54.4 per cent. of the weight of the ore. The gray slag produced was 262.25 tons, or about 27 per cent. of the weight of the ore. The assay of the ore was approximately 70 per cent. lead, giving a content of 673.4 tons in the ore smelted. The gray slag assayed approximately 38 per cent. lead, giving a content of 99.66 tons. Assuming that 90 per cent. of the lead in the gray slag be recoverable in the subsequent smelting in the blast furnace, or 89.7 tons, the total extraction of lead in the process was 523.3 + 89.7 ÷ 673.4 = 91 per cent. The metallurgical efficiency of the process was, therefore, reasonably high, especially in view of the absence of dust chambers.

The cost of smelting with five furnaces in operation, each treating three charges per day, was approximately as follows:

1 foreman at $3 $3.00
5 furnace crews at $9.90 49.50
Unloading 21 tons of coal at 6c. 1.26
Loading 14 tons lead at 15c. 2.10
Loading 7 tons gray slag at 15c. 1.05
Total labor $56.91
21 tons coal at $2 $42.00
Flux and supplies 13.00
Blacksmithing and repairs 10.00
Total $121.91

On the basis of 6.25 tons of wet ore, this would be $4.65 per ton. The actual cost in seven consecutive months of 1900 was as follows: Labor, $1.98 per ton; coal, $1.86; flux and supplies, $0.51; blacksmithing and repairs, $0.39; miscellaneous, $0,017; total, $4.757. If the cost of smelting the gray slag be reckoned at $8 per ton, and the proportion of gray slag be reckoned at 0.25 ton per ton of galena concentrate, the total cost of treatment of the latter comes to about $6.75 per ton of wet charge, or about $7 per ton of dry charge. This cost could be materially reduced in a larger and more perfectly designed plant.

The practice at Desloge did not compare unfavorably, either in respect to metal extracted or in smelting cost, with the roast-reduction method of smelting or the Scotch hearth method, as carried out in the plants of similar capacity and approximately the same date of construction, smelting the same class of ore, but the larger and more recent plants in the vicinity of St. Louis could offer sufficiently better terms to make it advisable to close down the Desloge plant and ship the ore to them. One of the drawbacks of the reverberatory method of smelting was the necessity of shipping away the gray slag, the quantity of that product made in a small plant being insufficient to warrant the operation of an independent shaft furnace.

Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining

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