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By H. A. Wheeler


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(March 31, 1904)

The source of the lead that is being mined in large quantities in southeastern Missouri has been a mooted question. Nor is the origin of the lead a purely theoretical question, as it has an important bearing on the possible extension of the orebodies into the underlying sandstone.

The disseminated lead ores of Missouri occur in a shaly, magnesian limestone of Cambrian age in St. François, Madison and Washington counties, from 60 to 130 miles south of St. Louis. The limestone is known as the Bonne Terre, or lower half of “the third magnesian limestone” of the Missouri Geological Survey, and rests on a sandstone, known as “the third sandstone,” that is the base of the sedimentary formations in the area. Under this sandstone occur the crystalline porphyries and granites of Algonkian and Archean age, which outcrop as knobs and islands of limited extent amid the unaltered Cambrian and Lower Silurian sediments.

The lead occurs as irregular granules of galena scattered through the limestone in essentially horizontal bodies that vary from 5 to 100 ft. in thickness, from 25 to 500 ft. in width, and have exceeded 9000 ft. in length. There is no vein structure, no crushing or brecciation of the inclosing rock, yet these orebodies have well defined axes or courses, and remarkable reliability and persistency. It is true that the limestone is usually darker, more porous, and more apt to have thin seams of very dark (organic) shales where it is ore-bearing than in the surrounding barren ground. The orebodies, however, fade out gradually, with no sharp line between the pay-rock and the non-paying, and the lead is rarely, if ever, entirely absent in any extent of the limestone of the region. While the main course of the orebodies seems to be intimately connected with the axes of the gentle anticlinal folds, numerous cross-runs of ore that are associated with slight faults are almost as important as the main shoots, and have been followed for 5000 ft. in length. These cross-runs are sometimes richer than the main runs, at least near the intersections, but they are narrower, and partake more of the type of vertical shoots, as distinguished from the horizontal sheet-form.

Most of the orebodies occur at, or close to, the base of the limestone, and frequently in the transition rock between the underlying sandstone and the limestone, though some notable and important bodies have been found from 100 to 200 ft. above the sandstone. This makes the working depth from the surface vary from 150 to 250 ft., for the upper orebodies, to 300 to 500 ft. deep to the main or basal orebodies, according as erosion has removed the ore-bearing limestone. The thickness of the latter ranges from 400 to 500 ft.

Associated with the galena are less amounts of pyrite, which especially fringes the orebodies, and very small quantities of chalcopyrite, zinc blende, and siegenite (the double sulphide of nickel and cobalt). Calcite also occurs, especially where recent leaching has opened vugs, caves, or channels in the limestone, when secondary enrichment frequently incrusts these openings with crystals of calcite and galena. No barite ever occurs with the disseminated ore, though it is the principal gangue mineral in the upper or Potosi member of the third magnesian limestone, and is never absent in the small ore occurrences in the still higher second magnesian limestone.

While the average tenor of the ore is low, the yield being from 3 to 4 per cent. in pig lead, they are so persistent and easy to mine that the district today is producing about 70,000 tons of pig lead annually, and at a very satisfactory profit. As the output was about 2500 tons lead in 1873, approximately 8500 tons in 1883, and about 20,000 tons in 1893, it shows that this district is young, for the principal growth has been within the last five years.

Of the numerous but much smaller occurrences of lead elsewhere in Missouri and the Mississippi valley, none resembles this district in character, a fact which is unique. For while the Mechernich lead deposits, in Germany, are disseminated, and of even lower grade than in Missouri, they occur in a sandstone, and (like all the lead deposits outside of the Mississippi valley) they are argentiferous, at least to an extent sufficient to make the extraction of the silver profitable; and on the non-argentiferous character of the disseminated deposits hangs my story.

Of the numerous hypotheses advanced to account for the origin of these deposits, there are only two that seem worthy of consideration: (a) the lateral secretion theory, and (b) deposition from solutions of deep-seated origin. Other theories evolved in the pioneer period of economic geology are interesting, chiefly by reason of the difficulties under which the early strugglers after geological knowledge blazed the pathway for modern research and observation.

The lateral secretion theory, as now modernized into the secondary enrichment hypothesis, has much merit when applied to the southeastern and central Missouri lead deposits. For the limestones throughout Missouri—and they are the outcropping formation over more than half of the State—are rarely, if ever, devoid of at least slight amounts of lead and zinc, although they range in age from the Carboniferous down to the Cambrian.

The sub-Carboniferous formation is almost entirely made up of limestones, which aggregate 1200 to 1500 ft. in thickness. They frequently contain enough lead (and less often zinc) to arouse the hopes of the farmer, and more or less prospecting has been carried on from Hannibal to St. Louis, or 125 miles along the Mississippi front, and west to the central part of the State, but with most discouraging results.

In the rock quarries of St. Louis, immediately under the lower coal measures, fine specimens of millerite of world-wide reputation occur as filiform linings of vugs in this sub-Carboniferous limestone. These vugs occur in a solid, unaltered rock which gives no clue to the existence of the vug or cavity until it is accidentally broken. The vugs are lined with crystals of pink dolomite, calcite and millerite, with occasionally barite, selenite, galena and blende. They occur in a well-defined horizon about 5 ft. thick, and the vugs in the limestone above and below this millerite bed contain only calcite, or less frequently dolomite. Yet this sub-Carboniferous formation in southwestern Missouri, about Joplin, carries the innumerable pockets and sheets of lead and zinc that have made that district the most important zinc producer in the world. While faulting and limited folding occur in eastern and central Missouri to fully as great an extent as in St. François county or the Joplin district, thus far no mineral concentration into workable orebodies has been found in this formation, except in the Joplin area.

The next important series of limestones that make up most of the central portion of Missouri are of Silurian age, and in them lead and zinc are liberally scattered over large areas. In the residual surface clays left by dissolution of the limestone, the farmers frequently make low wages by gophering after the liberated lead, and the aggregate of these numerous though insignificant gopher-holes makes quite a respectable total. But they are only worked when there is nothing else to do on the farm, as with rare exceptions they do not yield living wages, and the financial results of mining the rock are even less satisfactory. Yet a few small orebodies have been found that were undoubtedly formed by local leaching and re-precipitation of this diffused lead and zinc. Such orebodies occur in openings or caves, with well crystallized forms of galena and blende, and invariably associated with crystallized “tiff” or barite. I am not aware of any of these pockets or secondary enrichments having produced as much as 2000 tons of lead or zinc, and very few have produced as much as 500 tons, although one of these pockets was recently exploited with heroic quantities of printer’s ink as the largest lead mine in the world. Yet there are large areas in which it is almost impossible to put down a drill-hole without finding “shines” or trifling amounts of lead or zinc. That these central Missouri lead deposits are due to lateral secretion there seems little doubt, and it is possible that larger pockets may yet be found where more favorable conditions occur.

When the lateral secretion theory is applied to the disseminated deposits of southeastern Missouri, we are confronted by enormous bodies of ore, absence of barite, non-crystallized condition of the galena except in local, small, evidently secondary deposits, and well-defined courses for the main and cross-runs of ore. The Bonne Terre orebody, which has been worked longest and most energetically, has attained a length of nearly 9000 ft., with a production of about 350,000 tons or $30,000,000 of lead, and is far from being exhausted. Orebodies recently opened are quite as promising. The country rock is not as broken nor as open as in central Missouri, and is therefore much less favorable for the lateral circulation of mineral waters, yet the orebodies vastly exceed those of the central region.

Further, the Bonne Terre formation is heavily intercalated with thick sheets of shale that would hinder overlying waters from reaching the base of the ore-horizon, where most of the ore occurs, so that the leachable area would be confined to a very limited vertical range, or to but little greater thickness than the 100 ft. or so in which most of the orebodies occur. While I have always felt that such large bodies, showing relatively rapid precipitation of the lead, could not be satisfactorily explained except as having a deep-seated origin, the fact that the disseminated ore is practically non-argentiferous, or at least carries only one to three ounces per ton, has been a formidable obstacle. For the lead in the small fissure-veins that occasionally occur in the adjacent granite has always been reported as argentiferous. Thus the Einstein silver mine, near Fredericktown, worked a fissure-vein from 1 to 6 ft. wide in the granite. It had a typical complex vein-filling and structure, and carried galena that assayed from 40 to 200 oz. per ton. While the quantity of ore obtained did not justify the expensive plant erected to operate it, the galena was rich in silver, whereas in the disseminated ores at the Mine la Motte mine, ten miles distant, only the customary 1.5 oz. per ton occurs. Occasionally fine-grained specimens of galena that I have found in the disseminated belt would unquestionably be rated as argentiferous by a Western miner, but the assay showed that the structure in this case was due to other causes, as only about two ounces were found. An apparent exception was reported at the Peach Orchard diggings, in Washington county, in the higher or Potosi member of the third magnesian limestone, where Arthur Thacher found sulphide and carbonate ore carrying 8 to 10 oz. of silver per ton; and a short-lived hamlet, known as Silver City, sprang up to work them. I found, however, that these deposits are associated with little vertical fissure-veins or seams that unquestionably come up from the underlying porphyry.

Recently I examined the Jackson Revel mine, which has been considered a silver mine for the last fifty years. It lies about seven miles south of Fredericktown, and is a fissure-vein in Algonkian felsite, where it protrudes, as a low hill, through the disseminated limestone formation. A shaft has just been sunk about 150 ft. at less than 1000 ft. from the feather edge of the limestone. The vein is narrow, only one to twelve inches wide, with slicken-sided walls, runs about N. 20 deg. E., and dips 80 to 86 deg. eastward. White quartz forms the principal part of the filling; the vein contains more or less galena and zinc blende. Assays of the clean galena made by Prof. W. B. Potter show only 2.5 oz. silver per ton, or no more than is frequently found in the disseminated lead ores. As the lead in this fissure vein may be regarded as of undoubted deep origin, and it is practically non-argentiferous, this would seem to remove the last objection to the theory of the deep-seated source of the lead in the disseminated deposits of southeast Missouri.

Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining

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