Читать книгу Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining - Various - Страница 16
Оглавление(August 22, 1903)
It is well known that, owing to the intimate mixture of the constituents of the Broken Hill sulphide ores, a great deal of crushing and grinding is required to detach the particles of galena from the zinc blende and the gangue; and it will be understood, therefore, that a considerable amount of the material is converted into a slime which consists of minute but well-defined particles of all the constituents of the ore, the relative proportions of which depend on the dual characteristics of hardness and abundance of the various constituents. An analysis of the slime shows the contents to be as follows;
Galena (PbS) | 24.00 |
Blende (ZnS) | 29.00 |
Pyrite (FeS2) | 3.38 |
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) | 4.17 |
Ferrous oxide (FeO) contained in garnets | 1.03 |
Oxide of manganese (MnO) contained in rhodonite and garnets | 6.66 |
Alumina (Al2O3) contained in kaolin and garnets | 5.40 |
Lime (CaO) contained in garnets, etc. | 3.40 |
Silica (SiO2) | 22.98 |
Silver (Ag) | .06 |
100.48 |
Galena, being the softest of these, is found in the slimes to a larger extent than in the crude ore; it is also, for the same reason, in the finest state of subdivision, as is well illustrated by the fact that the last slime to settle in water is invariably much the richest in lead, while the percentages of the harder constituents, zinc blende and gangue, show a corresponding reduction in quantity, by reason of their being generally in larger sized particles and consequently settling earlier.
The fairly complete liberation of each of the constituent minerals of the ore that takes place in sliming tends, of course, to help the production of a high-grade concentrate by the use of tables and vanners, and undoubtedly a fair recovery of lead is quite possible, even with existing machines, in the treatment of fine slimes; but, owing to the great reduction in the capacity of the machines, which takes place when it is attempted to carry the vanning of the finer slimes too far, and the consequently greatly increased area of the machines that would be necessary, the operation, sooner or later, becomes unprofitable.
The extent to which the vanner treatment of slimes should be carried is, of course, less in the case of those mines owning smelters than with those which have to depend on the sale of concentrates as their sole source of profit. In the case of the Proprietary Company, all slime produced in crushing is passed over the machines after classification. A high recovery of lead in the form of concentrates is, of course, neither expected nor obtained, for reasons already explained; but the finest lead-bearing slimes are allowed to unite with the tailings, which are collected from groups of machines, and are then run into pointed boxes, where, with the aid of hydraulic classification, the fine rich slimes are washed out and carried to settling bins and tanks, where the water is stilled and allowed to deposit its slime, and pass over a wide overflow as clear water. The slime thus recovered amounts to over 1200 tons weekly, or about 11 per cent., by weight, of the ore, and assays about 20 per cent. lead, 17 per cent. zinc, and 18 oz. silver, and represents, in lead value, about 11 per cent. of the original lead contents of the crude ore and rather more than that percentage in silver contents. These slimes are thus a by-product of the mills, and their production is unavoidable; but as they are not chargeable with the cost of milling, they are an asset of considerable value, more especially so since it has been demonstrated that they can be desulphurized sufficiently for smelting purposes by a simple operation, and, at the same time, converted into such a physical condition as renders the material well suited for smelting, owing to its ability to resist pressure in the furnaces.
The Broken Hill Proprietary Company has many thousands of tons of these slimes which the smelters have hitherto been unable to cope with, owing to the roasters being fully occupied with the more valuable concentrates. Moreover, the desulphurization of slimes in Ropp mechanical roasters is objectionable for various reasons, namely, owing to the large amount of dust created with such fine material, resulting injuriously to the men employed; also on account of the reduction in the capacity of the roasters, and consequent increase in working cost, owing to the lightness of the slime, especially when hot, as compared with concentrates, and the necessity for limiting the thickness of material on the bed of the roasters to a certain small maximum. Further, the desulphurization of the slimes is no more complete with the mechanical roasters than in the case of heap roasting, and the combined cost of roasting and briquetting being quite three shillings (or 75c.) per ton in excess of the cost of heap roasting, the latter possesses many advantages. These heaps are being dealt with, preparatory to roasting, by picking down the material in lumps of about 5 in. in thickness, while the fine dry smalls, unavoidably produced, are worked up in a pug mill with water, and dealt with in the same way as the wet slime produced from current work.
The slime, as produced by the mills, is run from bins into railway trucks in a semi-fluid condition, and shortly after being tipped alongside one of the various sidings on the mine is in a fit condition to be cut with shovels into rough bricks, which dry with fair rapidity, and when required for roasting are easily reloaded into railway trucks. As each man can cut about 20 tons of bricks per day, the cost is small. Various other methods of lumping the slime were tried, including trucking the semi-fluid material on movable trams, alongside which were set laths, about 9 in. apart, which enabled long slabs to be formed 9 in. wide and 5 in. thick, which were, after drying, picked up in suitable lumps and loaded in platform trucks, thence on railway trucks. Owing to the inferior roasting that takes place with bricks having flat sides, which are liable to come into close contact in roasting, and to the rather high labor cost, this method was discontinued. Another method was to allow the slime to dry partially after being emptied from railway trucks, and to break it into lumps by means of picks; but this method entailed the making of an increased amount of smalls, besides taking up more siding room, owing to the extra time required for drying, as compared with the method now in use. Ordinary bricking machines could, of course, be used, but when the cost of handling the slime before and after bricking is counted, the cost would be greater than with the simple method now in use; the material being in too fluid a condition for making into bricks until some time elapses for drying, a double handling would be necessitated before sending it to the bricking machine. If, however, the slime could be allowed time to dry sufficiently in the trucks, bricking by machinery would probably be preferable. Rather more than 10 per cent. of smalls is made in handling the lumps in and out of the railway trucks, and this is, as already noted, worked up with water in a pug mill at the sintering works, and used partly for covering the heaps with slime to exclude an excessive amount of air. The balance is thrown out and cut into bricks, as already described.
At the heaps the lumps are at present being thrown from one man to another to reach their destination in the heap, but the sidings have been laid out in duplicate with a view to enabling traveling cranes to be used on the line next the heap, the lumps to be loaded primarily into wooden skips fitting the trucks. It is probable, however, that the lumps will require to be handled out of the skips into their place in the heap, as the brittle nature of the material may be found to render automatic tipping impracticable. A considerable saving in labor would nevertheless accompany the use of cranes, which would likewise be advantageous in loading the sintered material.
In order to reduce the inconvenience arising from fumes, length is very desirable in siding accommodation, so that heap building may be carried on at a sufficient distance from the burning kilns. It is for the same reason preferable to build in a large tonnage at one time, lighting the heaps altogether. As the heaps burn about two weeks only, long intervals intervene, during which the fumes are absent.
In the experimental stages of slime roasting, fuel, chiefly wood, was used in quantities up to 5 per cent., and was placed on the ground at the bottom of the heap, where also a number of flues, loosely built bricks, were placed for the circulation of air. The amount of fuel used has, however, been gradually reduced, until the present practice of placing no fuel whatever in the bottom was arrived at; but instead less than 1 per cent. of wood is now burned in small enlargements of the flues, under the outer portion of the pile, and placed about 12 ft. apart at the centers. This is found to be sufficient to start the roasting operation within 24 hours of lighting, after which no further fuel is necessary.
As regards the dimensions of the heaps, the width found most suitable is 22 ft. at the base, the sides sloping up rather flatter than one to one, with a flat section on top reaching about 7 ft. in hight. As there is always about 6 in. of the outer crust imperfectly roasted, it is advisable to make the length as great as possible, thus minimizing the surface exposed. The company is building heaps up to 2000 ft. long.
During roasting care is required to regulate the air supply, the object being to avoid too fierce a roast, which tends to sinter and partially fuse the material on the outer portions of the lumps, while inside there is raw slime. By extending the roast over a longer period this is avoided, and a more complete desulphurization is effected. Experiments conducted by Mr. Bradford, the chief assayer, demonstrated that, at a temperature of 400 deg. C., the sulphide slime is converted into basic sulphate, while at a temperature of 800 deg. C. the material becomes sintered owing to the decomposition of the basic sulphate and the formation of fusible silicate of lead.
In practice, the sulphur contents of the material, which originally are about 14 per cent., become reduced to from 6.5 to 8.5 per cent., half in the form of basic sulphate and half as sulphides; much of the material sinters and becomes matted together in a fairly solid mass. The heaps are built without chimneys of any kind; a strip about 5 ft. wide along the crest of the pile is left uncovered by plastered slime, and this, together with the open way in which the lumps are built in, allows a natural draft to be set up, which can be regulated by partly closing the open ends of the flues at the base of the pile. Masonry kilns were used in the earlier stages with good results, which, however, were not so much better than those obtained by the heap method as to justify the expense of building, taking into consideration, too, the extra cost of handling the roasted material in the necessarily more confined space.
Much interest has been taken in the chemical reactions which take place in the operation of desulphurization of these slimes, it being contended, on the one hand, that the unexpectedly rapid roast which takes place may be due to the sulphide being in a very fine state of subdivision, and more or less porous, thus allowing the air ready access to the sulphur, producing sulphurous acid gas (SO2). On the other hand, others, of whom Mr. Carmichael is the chief exponent, claim that several reactions take place during the operation, connected with the rhodonite and lime compounds present in the slimes, which he describes as follows:
“The temperature of the kilns having reached a dull red heat, the rhodonite (silicate of manganese) is converted into manganous oxide and silica; at a rather higher temperature the calcium compounds are also split up, with formation of calcium sulphide, the sulphur being provided by the slimes. The air permeating the mass oxidizes the manganese oxide and calcium sulphide into manganese tetroxide and calcium sulphate respectively, as shown as follows;
3MnO + O = Mn3O4
CaS + 4O = CaSO4,
and, as such, are carriers of a form of concentrated oxygen to the sulphide slimes, with a corresponding reduction to manganous oxide and calcium sulphide, as shown by the following equation, in the case of lead:
PbS + 4Mn3O4 = PbSO4 + 12MnO
PbS + CaSO4 = PbSO4 + CaS.
The oxidation of the manganous oxide and calcium sulphide is repeated, and these alternate reactions recur until the desulphurization ceases, or the kiln cools down to a temperature below which oxidation cannot occur. These reactions, being heat-producing, provide part of the heat necessary for desulphurization, which is brought about by certain concurrent reactions between metallic sulphates and sulphide.
“The first that probably occurs is that in which two equivalents of the metallic sulphide react on one of the metallic sulphate with reduction to the metal, metallic sulphide, and sulphurous acid, as shown by the following equation in the case of lead:
2PbS + PbSO4 = 2Pb + PbS + 2SO2.
“The metal so formed, in the presence of air, is oxidized, and in this state reacts on a further portion of the metallic sulphide produced, with an increased formation of metal and evolution of sulphurous acid, according to the following equation, in the case of lead:
2PbO + PbS = Pb + SO2.
“The metal so produced in this reaction is wholly reoxidized by the oxygen of the air current, and being free to react on still further portions of the metallic sulphide, repeats the reaction, and becomes an important factor in the desulphurizing of the undecomposed portion of the material. As the desulphurization proceeds, and the sulphate of metal accumulates, reactions are set up between the metallic sulphide and different multiple proportions of the metallic sulphate, with the formation of metal, metallic oxide, and evolution of sulphurous acid, as follows:
“With two equivalents of metallic sulphate to one equivalent of metallic sulphide, in the case of lead, according to the following equation:
PbS + 2PbSO4 = 2PbO + Pb + 3SO2.
“With three equivalents of metallic sulphate to one of metallic sulphide, in the case of lead, according to the following equation:
PbS + 3PbSO4 = 4PbO + 4SO2.”
The volatility of sulphide of lead—especially in the presence of an inert gas such as sulphurous acid—being greater than that of the sulphate, oxide, or the metal itself, it might be thought that the conditions are conducive to a serious loss of lead. This, however, is reduced to a minimum, owing to the easily volatilized sulphide being trapped, as non-volatile sulphate, by small portions of sulphuric anhydride (SO3), which is formed by a catalytic reaction set up between the hot ore, sulphurous acid, and the air passing through the mass. Owing to the non-volatility of the silver compounds in the slimes, the loss of this metal has been found to be inappreciable. The zinc contents of the slime are reduced appreciably, thus rendering the material more suitable for smelting. After desulphurization ceases, a few days are allowed for cooling off. On the breaking up of the mass for despatch to the smelters, as much of the lower portion of the walls is left intact as possible, so that it can be utilized for the next roast, thus avoiding the re-building of the whole of the walls.[10]