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By R. D. O. Johnson


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(September 16, 1905)

The lead deposits of southeastern Missouri carry galena disseminated in certain strata of magnesian limestone. Their greater dimensions are generally horizontal, but with outlines extremely irregular. The large orebodies consist usually of a series of smaller bodies disposed parallel to one another. These smaller members may coalesce, but are generally separated from one another by a varying thickness of lean ore or barren rock. The vertical and lateral dimensions of an orebody may be determined with a fair degree of accuracy by diamond drilling, and a map may be constructed from the information so obtained. Such a map (on which are plotted the surface contours) makes it possible to determine closely the proper location of the shaft, or shafts, considering also the surface and underground drainage and tramming.

The first shafts in the district were sunk at Bonne Terre, where the deposits lie comparatively near the surface. The early practice at this point was to sink a number of small one-compartment shafts. As the deposits were followed deeper, this gave way to the practice of putting down two-compartment shafts equipped much more completely than were the shallower shafts.

At Flat River (where the deposits lie at much greater depths, some being over 500 ft.) the shafts are 7 × 14 ft., 6½ × 18 ft., and 7 × 20 ft. These larger dimensions give room not only for two cage-ways and a ladder-way, but also for a roomy pipe-compartment. The large quantities of water to be pumped in this part of the district make the care of the pipes in the shafts a matter of first importance. At Bonne Terre only such a quantity of water was encountered as could be handled by bailing or be taken out with the rock; there the only pipe necessary was a small air-pipe down one corner of the shaft. When the quantity of water encountered is so great that the continued working of the mine depends upon its uninterrupted removal, the care of the pipes becomes a matter of great importance. A shaft which yields from 4000 to 5000 gal. of water per minute is equipped with two 12 in. column pipes and two 4 in. steam pipes covered and sheathed. Moreover, the pipe compartment will probably contain an 8 in. air-pipe, besides speaking-tubes, pipes for carrying electric wires, and pipes for conducting water from upper levels to the sump. To care for these properly there are required a separate compartment and plenty of room.

Shafts are sunk by using temporary head frames and iron buckets of from 8 to 14 cu. ft. capacity. Where the influx of water was small, 104 ft. have been sunk in 30 days, with three 8 hour shifts, two drills, and two men to each drill; 2¾ in. drills are used almost exclusively; 3¼ in. drills have been used in sinking, but without apparent increase in speed.

The influence of the quantity of water encountered upon the speed of sinking (and the consequent cost per foot) is so great that figures are of little value. Conditions are not at all uniform.

At some point (usually before 200 ft. is reached) a horizontal opening will be encountered. This opening invariably yields water, the amount following closely the surface precipitation. It is the practice to establish at this point a pumping station. The shaft is “ringed” and the water is directed into a sump on the side, from which it is pumped out. This sump receives also the discharge of the sinking pumps.

The shafts sunk in solid limestone require no timbering other than that necessary to support the guides, pipes, and ladder platforms. These timbers are 8 × 8 in. and 6 x 8 in., spaced 7 or 8 ft. apart.

Shafts are sunk to a depth of 10 ft. below the point determined upon as the lower cage landing. From the end at the bottom a narrow drift is driven horizontally to a distance of 15 ft.; at that point it is widened out to 10 ft. and driven 20 ft. further. The whole area (10 × 20 ft.) is then raised to a point 28 or 30 ft. above the bottom of the drift from the shaft. The lower part of this chamber constitutes the sump. Starting from this chamber (on one side and at a point 10 ft. above the cage landing, or 20 ft. above the bottom of the sump), the “pump-house” is cut out. This pump-house is cut 40 ft. long and is as wide as the sump is long, namely, 20 ft. A narrow drift is driven to connect the top of the pump-house with the shaft. Through this drift the various pipes enter the pump-house from the shaft.

The pumps are thus placed at an elevation of 10 ft. above the bottom of the mine. Flooding of mines, due to failure of pumps or to striking underground bodies of water, taught the necessity of placing the pumps at such an elevation that they would be the last to be covered, thus giving time for getting or keeping them in operation. The pumps are placed on the solid rock, the air pumps and condensers at a lower level on timbers over the sump.

With this arrangement, the bottom of the shaft serves as an antechamber for the sump, in which is collected the washing from the mine and the dripping from the shaft. The sump proper rarely needs cleaning.

The pumps are generally of high-grade, compound-and triple-expansion, pot-valved, outside-packed plunger pattern. Plants with electrical power distribution have recently installed direct-connected compound centrifugal pumps with entire success.

Pumps of the Cornish pattern have never been used much in this region. One such pump has been installed, but the example has not been followed even by the company putting it in.

The irregular disposition of the ore renders any systematic plan of drifting or mining (as in coal or vein mining) impossible. On each side of the shaft and in a direction at right angles to its greater horizontal dimension, drifts 12 to 14 ft. in width are driven to a distance of 60 or 70 ft. In these broad drifts are located the tracks and also the “crossovers” for running the cars on and off the cage.

When a deposit is first opened up, it is usually worked on two, and sometimes three, levels. These eventually cut into one another, when the ore is hoisted from the lower level alone.

The determination of the depth of the lower level is a matter of compromise. Much good ore may be known to exist below; when it comes to mining, it will have to be taken out at greater expense; but the level is aimed to cut through the lower portions of the main body. It is generally safe to predict that the ore lying below the upper levels will eventually be mined from a lower level without the expense of local underground hoisting and pumping.

The ore has simply to be followed; no one can say in advance how it is going to turn out. The irregularity of the deposits renders any general plan of mining of little or no value. Some managers endeavor to outline the deposits by working on the outskirts, leaving the interior as “ore reserves.” Such reserves have been found to be no reserves at all, though the quality of the rock may be fairly well determined by underground diamond drilling. Many of the deposits are too narrow to permit the employment of any system of outlining and at the same time keeping up the ore supply.

The individual bodies constituting the general orebody are rarely, if ever, completely separated by barren rock; some “stringers” or “leaders” of ore connect them. The careful superintendent keeps a record on the monthly mine map of all such occurrences, or otherwise, or of blank walls of barren rock that mark the edge of the deposit. This precaution finds abundant reward when the drills commence to “cut poor,” and when a search for ore is necessary.

The method of mining is to rise to the top of the ore and to carry forward a 6 ft. breast. If the ore is thick enough, this is followed by the underhand stope. Drill holes in the breast are usually 7 or 8 ft. in depth; stope holes, 10 to 14 feet.

Both the roof and the floor are drilled with 8 or 10 ft. holes placed 8 or 10 ft. apart. These serve to prospect the rock in the immediate neighborhood; in the roof they serve the further very important purpose of draining out water that might otherwise accumulate between the strata and that might force them to fall. The condition or safety of the roof is determined by striking with a hammer. If the sound is hollow or “drummy,” the roof is unsafe. If water is allowed to accumulate between the loose strata, obviously it is not possible to determine the condition of the roof.

It is the duty of two men on each shift to keep the mine in a safe condition by taking down all loose and dangerous masses of rock. These men are known as “miners.” It sometimes happens that a considerable area of the roof gets into such a dangerous condition that it is either too risky or too expensive to put in order, in which case the space underneath is fenced off. As a general thing, the mines are safe and are kept so. There are but few accidents of a serious nature due to falling rock.

The roof is supported entirely by pillars; no timbering whatever is used. The pillars are parts of the orebody or rock that is left. They are of all varieties of size and shape. They are usually circular in cross-section, 10 to 15 ft. in diameter and spaced 20 to 35 ft. apart, depending upon the character of the roof. Pillars generally flare at the top to give as much support to the roof as possible. The hight of the pillars corresponds, of course, to the thickness of the orebody.

All drilling is done by 2¾ in. percussion drills. In the early days, when diamonds were worth $6 per carat, underground diamond drills were used. Diamond drills are used now occasionally for putting in long horizontal holes for shooting down “drummy” roof. Air pressure varies from 60 to 80 lb. Pressures of 100 lb. and more have been used, but the repairs on the drills became so great that the advantages of the higher pressure were neutralized.

Each drill is operated by two men, designated as “drillers,” or “front hand” and “back hand.” The average amount of drilling per shift of 10 hours is in the neighborhood of 40 ft., though at one mine an average of 55 ft. was maintained.

In some of the mines the “drillers” and “back hands” do the loading and firing; in others that is done by “firers,” who do the blasting between shifts. When the drillers do the firing, there is employed a “powder monkey,” who makes up the “niphters,” or sticks of powder, in which are inserted and fastened the caps and fuse; 35 per cent. powder is used for general mining.

Battery firing is employed only in shaft sinking. In the mining work this is found to be much more expensive; the heavy concussions loosen the stratum of the roof and make it dangerous.

Large quantities of oil are used for lubrication and illumination. “Zero” black oil and oils of that grade are used on the drills. Miners’ oil is generally used for illumination, though some of the mines use a low grade of felsite wax.

Two oil cans (each holding about 1½ pints) are given to each pair of drillers, one can for black oil and one for miners’ oil. These cans, properly filled, are given out to the men, as they go on shift, at the “oil-house,” located near the shaft underground. This “oil-house” is in charge of the “oil boy,” whose duty it is to keep the cans clean, to fill them and to give them out at the beginning of the shift. The cans are returned to the oil-house at the end of the shift.

Kerosene is used in the hat-lamps in wet places.

The “oil-houses” are provided with three tanks. In some instances these tanks are charged through pipes coming down the shaft from the surface oil-house. These tanks are provided with oil-pumps and graduated gage-glasses.

Shovelers or loaders operate in gangs of 8 to 12, and are supervised by a “straw boss,” who is provided with a gallon can for illuminating oil. The cars are 20 cu. ft. (1 ton) capacity. Under ordinary conditions one shoveler will load 20 of these cars in a shift of 10 hours. They use “half-spring,” long-handled, round-pointed shovels.

Cars are of the solid-box pattern, and are dumped in cradles. Loose and “Anaconda” manganese-steel wheels are the most common. Gage of track, 24 to 30 in., 16 lb. rails on main lines and 12 lb. on the side and temporary tracks. Cars are drawn by mules. One mine has installed compressed-air locomotives and is operating them with success.

Shafts are generally equipped with geared hoists, both steam and electrically driven. Later hoists are all of the first-motion pattern.

Generally the cars are hoisted to the top and dumped with cradles. One shaft, however, is provided with a 5-ton skip, charged at the bottom from a bin, into which the underground cars are dumped. Upon arriving at the top the skip dumps automatically. This design exhibits a number of advantages over the older method and will probably find favor with other mine operators.

Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining

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