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Table of Contents

This book is a reprint of various articles pertaining especially to the smelting and refining of lead, together with a few articles relating to the mining of lead ore, which have appeared in the Engineering and Mining Journal, chiefly during the last three years; in a few cases articles from earlier issues have been inserted, in view of their special importance in rounding out certain of the subjects treated. For the same reason, several articles from the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers have been incorporated, permission to republish them in this way having been courteously granted by the Secretary of the Institute. Certain of the other articles comprised in this book are abstracts of papers originally presented before engineering societies, or published in other technical periodicals, subsequently republished in the Engineering and Mining Journal, as to which proper acknowledgment has been made in all cases.

The articles comprised in this book relate to a variety of subjects, which are of importance in the practical metallurgy of lead, and especially in connection with the desulphurization of galena, which is now accomplished by a new class of processes known as “Lime Roasting” processes. The successful introduction of these processes into the metallurgy of lead has been one of the most important features in the history of the latter during the last twenty-five years. Their development is so recent that they are not elsewhere treated in technical literature, outside of the pages of the periodicals and the transactions of engineering societies. The theory and practice of these processes are not yet by any means well understood, and a year or two hence we shall doubtless possess much more knowledge concerning them than we have now. Prompt information respecting such new developments is, however, more desirable than delay with a view to saying the last word on the subject, which never can be said by any of us, even if we should wait to the end of the lifetime. For this reason it has appeared useful to collect and republish in convenient form the articles of this character which have appeared during the last few years.

W. R. Ingalls.

August 1, 1906.

Lead Smelting and Refining, With Some Notes on Lead Mining

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