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Goal‐Setting Theory and Objective‐Setting Practice


Peter Drucker popularized the importance of setting goals and objectives in his classic book, The Practice of Management, published in 1954. While there is still some question about who first used the term management by objectives (MBO), it is generally conceded that the initial push came from Drucker, who attributes it to Alfred P. Sloan, the managerial and organizational genius who is credited with building up General Motors.

In the 1960s, Edwin A. Locke published a series of articles that detailed his research on goal setting and on how these motivate people. He not only explained why goals work but also proposed some basic rules for setting them. While Drucker, Locke, and most other goal‐setting theorists put their work in a managerial context, these theories also apply to individual goal setting where competence and confidence grow as you get better at your own objectives and goals.

Media Selling

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