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The Collaboration Begun

A lot of people seem to think that all they need is a good idea, and from that they can easily write a book. Take it from someone who has written and had published over 200 books—me—writing even one book, even with a good idea upon which to base it, isn’t easy; it takes a lot of time, effort, and keep-at-it concentration.

Nor does a collaborative effort necessarily make the book-writing process any easier; remember the old saying about the possible problems of more than one cook in any kitchen.

While I consider myself extremely lucky to have recognized my niece and her family’s story as one well worth relating, I have to admit that its conversion into book form wasn’t nearly as easily managed as I originally envisioned. Primarily, I blame myself for having been so long in the writing business that I forgot some of the trials, tribulations, anxiety, doubt, tedium, and pressure of a deadline that can obsess someone new to writing, my niece included. In the end, though, which is so important, Adrienne did finally manage to pull her wits and writing skills together sufficiently to do her part in bringing this volume to fruition.

The Gluten-Free Way: My Way

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