Читать книгу The Gluten-Free Way: My Way - William Maltese - Страница 12



Being in the (Wheat) World, Not of the (Wheat) World

When people learn of the gluten intolerance and wheat allergy that Jonathan and my boys have, one of their most frequent questions is, “How can anyone possibly live without wheat?” Okay, so it wasn’t so easy back in 2001—that was super tough. It was even more difficult to exclude all gluten which is found not only in wheat, rye, and barley, but in non-certified GF oats as well.

However, a large amount of Gluten-Free products suddenly popping up all over the place has made it easier.

Most people can learn to accept Gluten-Free versions of their beloved wheat/gluten food stuffs and can learn all of the literally thousands of products that contain gluten and need to be avoided.

In addition to learning how to accept the Gluten-Free versions of their favorite goods, the Gluten-Free Way requires a definite change of mind-set. For those of you who have been diagnosed Celiac/gluten-sensitive, you must be 100% Gluten-Free to be 100% healthy. The Gluten-Free Way isn’t a road you travel just sometimes or occasionally, but all day every day.

Once you get the mind-set that the Gluten-Free Way is FOR LIFE, and that you will emerge healthier because of it, it does get easier!

Over time, a lot of you will lose your cravings for certain gluten foods that you thought you’d never be able to live without. I think a lot of it has to do with you becoming healthier, and your body realizing all the advantages in jettisoning cravings that only make you sick. There are still items that Jonathan misses, but the benefits of his being Gluten-Free outweigh the horrible reactions he has to gluten (especially gluten mixed with dairy—yikes!).

The Gluten-Free Way: My Way

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