Маркетинг, PR, реклама
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Отдел продаж по захвату рынка
«Биткойн 3.0». Как криптовалюта Augur изменит мир
Как добиться встречи с кем угодно. Скрытая сила контактного маркетинга
Отчаянные аккаунт-менеджеры: Как работать с клиентами без стресса и проблем. Настольная книга аккаунт-менеджера, менеджера проектов и фрилансера
Ценовое преимущество: Сколько должен стоить ваш товар?
Всегда ваш клиент: Как добиться лояльности, решая проблемы клиентов за один шаг
Продажи: визуализируй это
Бесконечный поток идей о том, как создавать контент для бизнеса
Идеальный маркетинг: О чем забыли 98 % маркетологов
Социальная организация: Как с помощью социальных медиа задействовать коллективный разум ваших клиентов и сотрудников
Переговоры каждый день: Как добиваться своего в любой ситуации
АпперКот конкурентам. Выгоды – клиентам
Система убеждения: Как влиять на людей с помощью психологии
Как оценить и продать свой бизнес
Instagram. Секрет успеха ZT PRO. От А до Я в продвижении
The Marketing Accountability Imperative. Driving Superior Returns on Marketing Investments
Stop, Ask, and Listen. Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers Into Buyers
Beyond Listening. Learning the Secret Language of Focus Groups
Beyond Booked Solid. Your Business, Your Life, Your Way--It's All Inside
The Shift. The Transformation of Today's Marketers into Tomorrow's Growth Leaders
Driven. Inside BMW, the Most Admired Car Company in the World
Email Marketing By the Numbers. How to Use the World's Greatest Marketing Tool to Take Any Organization to the Next Level
Indispensable. How To Become The Company That Your Customers Can't Live Without
SalesBURST!!. World's Fastest (entrepreneurial) Sales Training
Faith-Based Marketing. The Guide to Reaching 140 Million Christian Customers
Heavy Hitter Sales Wisdom. Proven Sales Warfare Strategies, Secrets of Persuasion, and Common-Sense Tips for Success
The 7-Step System to Building a $1,000,000 Network Marketing Dynasty. How to Achieve Financial Independence through Network Marketing
The New Science of Selling and Persuasion. How Smart Companies and Great Salespeople Sell
The Brand Who Cried Wolf. Deliver on Your Company's Promise and Create Customers for Life
Robin Hood Marketing. Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes
Ten Deadly Marketing Sins. Signs and Solutions
Take Their Breath Away. How Imaginative Service Creates Devoted Customers
Powerful Exhibit Marketing. The Complete Guide to Successful Trade Shows, Conferences, and Consumer Shows
Pow! Right Between the Eyes. Profiting from the Power of Surprise
Can We Do That?!. Outrageous PR Stunts That Work -- And Why Your Company Needs Them
The Seven Lost Secrets of Success. Million Dollar Ideas of Bruce Barton, America's Forgotten Genius
Affiliate Millions. Make a Fortune using Search Marketing on Google and Beyond
IdeaWise. How to Transform Your Ideas into Tomorrow's Innovations
Hypnotic Writing. How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
Your Portable Empire. How to Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love
It's All About Service. How to Lead Your People to Care for Your Customers
The Gender Intelligent Retailer. Discover the Connection Between Women Consumers and Business Growth
Creating a Million-Dollar-a-Year Sales Income. Sales Success through Client Referrals
Chocolates on the Pillow Aren't Enough. Reinventing The Customer Experience
Your Gut is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head. How Disciplined, Fact-Based Marketing Can Drive Extraordinary Growth and Profits
Stop Acting Like a Seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer. Improve Sales Effectiveness by Helping Customers Buy
The Mary Kay Way. Timeless Principles from America's Greatest Woman Entrepreneur
The Findability Formula. The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing
Всего страниц: 66