Читать книгу The Road to Resilience - Adam Przytula - Страница 16

The self‐esteem spiral


When something happens to us (it doesn't have to be as major as failing to save the universe — we might get bullied or go through a challenge of some other sort), we either think positively about the situation, or we think negatively.

When we think positively about a situation, we are more likely to make positive choices about how to act or behave. When our actions reflect our positive thoughts, we feel good about ourselves. We feel valuable. This means that our self‐esteem spirals upwards.

If we experience negative thoughts, we tend to act on these thoughts by behaving in ways that aren't good for us or beneficial for those around us. It makes us feel bad about ourselves. We may start feeling like we aren't worthy or valuable. Our self‐esteem spirals downwards.

The Road to Resilience

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