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First, thank you Oma, for your unconditional love. I could write a whole book recognising all you have done for me and the fond memories I have (which I just may do one day). You continue to inspire me every day as much as you did while on this earth. I know you are in God's hands — and probably still looking out for me. I hope I honour you with everything I do for others.

Thank you to my wife Cherith for loving me the way I have always needed to be loved. For inspiring me with your faith, for being a part of God's plan to bring the healing I so needed, and for choosing to take this journey with me. I love you with all my heart!

Thank you to my son Cale for recognising I'm the boss (hahaha), but mostly for choosing to be you, regardless of what others say — because you are so special! I hope to help you to be a better version of me.

Dad, thank you for your support and encouragement with Armed For Life and for believing in me at times when I did not believe in myself. I have always known you love me — and always will. Thank you for instilling in me the work ethic I have (most of the time). You carry the spirit of Oma in your interaction with my boys and all your grandkids. She would be so proud!

Thank you Mum, for embedding in me the desire to always be clean and to live in a clean environment (which I am sure my wife is thankful for too). Seriously though, thank you for playing a role in shaping who I am, and mostly for the help you provided when it was needed most. I am so glad that Cale and Levi get to call you ‘Oma’ and experience a grandmother's love. Your involvement with our son Levi in particular has been an incredible blessing — especially those first four weeks. You just did everything — it was really special to have you with us. You were a rock for Cherith and me — and you continue to be. Thank you!

And to my brother Paul. Thank you for looking out for me in primary school (yes, I do remember those times). Just as you are often a negatron on your awesome podcast, The Countdown: Movie and Television Reviews (free plug — you're welcome!), you were often a negatron to me when I was a kid — that's okay though as I snuck into your room constantly and used your stuff (haha!). Our relationship and friendship have grown over the years and I really do appreciate the time we spend together. Thank you for paving the way for my absolute love of movies and for being there in the darkest times to help and support me. Proud to call you my bro!

Opa, thank you for the love and guidance you showed to Oma and to our family, and for making the hard journey with Oma from Germany and Poland to set up a life for us here in Perth, Western Australia.

To Phil Baker, the senior pastor at Riverview Church during my time on staff: your words made a difference to my path in life. Thank you.

To Sy Rogers (RIP): you were hugely influential to me — the kindness you showed me every time we met and my style of speaking have a lot to do with you.

Thank you Neil Chisholm, for your leadership and guidance.

Jarryd Smith at 2nd Chance Trust, thank you for your feedback on the manuscript and for writing the foreword to this book. Your friendship and fellowship have become very important in my own journey and that of Armed For Life.

Thank you to the friends who have stood by me and supported me when I needed it most — you know who you are. Ray, Steve and Jordan, thank you for caring for me in my darkest time. Your love and support have helped me to become who I am today!

And to Chris Burd: thank you for pushing me to write this book. It took me a while, but I got there.

I also want to acknowledge team members who have played a role in helping Armed For Life get to where it is now. Thank you to those who have been involved in the past, and thank you to those who currently play a large role:

 Mark Lloyd: I love what we do together bro — among my favourite school sessions to run. Thank you for supporting me personally and professionally. Love you bro!

 Taylor Cowper: you have enabled us to go to another level (and me to another country) in what we do with students. It means so much that I can trust you to run any topic. Thank you for supporting me no matter what and stepping up when I needed a go‐to guy!

 Tam Hopper: you have been with me the longest, almost from the start. Not even moving to another country stopped you from continuing to support me. You are amazing! I honestly don't think we would be where we are if it wasn't for your voluntary work in the beginning. Thank you so much!

Thank you to Shannon Lancaster for collaborating with me to bring this book to life.

Thank you to my editor, Peter Ramshaw.

Finally, to you — whether you've listened to me speak or you've picked up this book and read it — thank you for supporting Armed For Life.

The Road to Resilience

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