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Twentieth Day.


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What a difference! Adam was placed in paradise, a most beautiful garden; the second Adam, Jesus, is placed in the manger. The former was but a simple human being, while this One is the true God. And why was this difference made? Through Adam's sin paradise, that beautiful place, had been desecrated: God, the Author of our being, forgotten. In punishment of this rebellion the second Adam had to atone for this defection. We had lowered ourselves to the level of the animals, we had sought our joy among the natural inclinations, and thither Our Lord had to descend in order to find us. Paradise is again to be brought to this earth. We, too, should show by our faith, our devotions, and our magnificent churches, where our happiness is. We may enjoy this paradise even on earth by doing the will of God in all things, and receiving frequently the body and blood of Christ, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.


O most sweet Infant Jesus, behold here a poor petitioner who wants Thy aid; but such is my unhappiness, the more I want the less able I am to ask for relief. Have regard, therefore, to my distressed condition, and according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies have compassion on me. Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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