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Twenty-ninth Day.


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“Jesus advanced in wisdom and age, and grace with God and men.”—Luke ii. 52. From the first instant of His sacred life on earth there were hidden in the Lord all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. He constantly developed these before the sight of men. The sun has always the same abundance of heat and light, yet it still increases as the day wears on until it stands in the zenith in all its glory and power, and as the day wanes it, as it were, draws its power to itself. The older Jesus, the Sun of justice, grew, the brighter became the light of His holy life, and it illumined more and more the lives of those who observed Him. The growing older is inevitable; as time passes we grow older, but we do not necessarily grow in wisdom before God and men. Our piety before God is not increased, and we frequently give scandal to men by our impiety. When we were young we loved God, but as we grew older we were so implicated with the things of this life that we lost a great deal of our simplicity. Why should this be so?


O King of the Gentiles, and their desired One, the corner-stone that joins the two walls! come and save man, whom Thou didst form out of dust. Amen.

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Our Monthly Devotions

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